Conversation with Your BFF: ‘What Is Closure?’ Part I

In a recent chat with a friend, we took up the topic of closure, asking ourselves, what is it? Do we need it or not when a relationship comes to an end? Strangely, with most subjects, I have a solid opinion and can weigh the positives and negatives and come down with a strong belief […]

Conversation with Your BFF ‘Should I Attend My Ex-In-Law’s Funeral?’

As we all know, families, even when intact, are complicated and even more so after divorce and there’s no one-size-fits-all manual on what to do in delicate and emotional situations. No time is more tricky than a funeral for an ex-in-law, especially if you were part of the family for many years. So when someone […]

Conversation with Your BFF: Finding Yourself After Divorce

A friend and I recently were talking about how, when you are married, even in today’s society, you become known as ‘somebody’s wife.’ I got married in my twenties and in my rose colored, romantic and naive mind, I couldn’t wait to be known as ‘so and so’s wife.’ But, when we separated and eventually […]

Conversation with Your BFF ‘What Happened to Proper Etiquette?’

Etiquette has been defined as ‘an art form of being civil, differing across cultures and times, benefiting everyone involved, which, when practiced, keeps us from deviating to ignorantly rude mortals and brings our consciousness closer to a realm beyond this physical world.’ Sounds like something we all should strive to have, but do we really […]

Conversation with Your BFF: ‘What Can I Learn from Loss?’

  If you have lost a loved one, especially a parent, the grief comes in waves. The strangest things can bring on tears and a laugh at the same time. How is that possible? When you cry and laugh in the same breath, you feel a bit schizophrenic. After a recent chat with a good […]

Conversation with Your BFF: Should I Worry What People Think about Me?

The wise and great philosopher, Dr. Phil, says at least once a week, “You wouldn’t worry so much about what other people thought about you if you knew how little they did.” Most of us, especially in our teen years, early twenties, and well, many times along life’s path, fixate on what others think about […]

Conversation with Your BFF: Should I Still Send Christmas Cards?

I recently had a chat with one of my besties about whether or not it is a good idea to send Christmas cards or if that practice is obsolete. Does anyone care about getting cards these days? With the world of technology at our fingertips with our electronics, why not just send an email or […]

Conversation with Your BFF “Is Attitude Really That Important?”

How many times did you hear, ‘You better check that attitude’ when you were a teenager? But if you think about it, no matter your age, we all have an attitude. We all approach life, people, or situations with a certain way we are going to handle it. Since we all have an attitude, good […]

Conversation with Your BFF: How Do I Stop Being a Perfectionist?

  One of the hardest behaviors or traits to overcome is being a perfectionist. I should know because I am one, and I battle it almost daily; many of my friends are perfectionists, too. You know what they say, “Birds of a feather flock together.” But is it possible to break the cycle of striving […]

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