Although there are many things Americans might divide over, the thought that time is precious is one I do believe we can all agree on. Whether you look at the lives of family and friends lost unexpectedly, who had plans for the future, or you live by scripture, and hear Matthew 6:34 saying, ‘Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own’ or Proverbs 27:1 stating, ‘Tomorrow is promised to no one’ we aren’t promised tomorrow, although many of us live there.
How can I live life to its fullest and make sure if tomorrow doesn’t come, that all is well? I am so glad you asked!
Planning for the Future is Good, But You Can’t Live There
We look ahead, put things off and postpone things for when we have ‘more time,’ but what if you knew you didn’t have long left, or someone you care about didn’t have long left. What would you change in the present? What would you do differently?
Here are eight ways you can make your todays better:
1) Each day you wake up and draw a breath is a new chance to make your life different and impact someone else’s life. You have to treat each day as a fresh new start. Leave yesterday behind and focus on what you can do today to make it the best day yet.
2) At the end of each day, as you put your head on your pillow, leave the day’s issues behind. Do not drag yesterday’s issues into a new day.
3) Wake up every day grateful for what you have and who you have in your life and appreciate everything. You may not be where you want to be as far as your job, but there are people who would love to have a job. Make the most of what you do and, if possible, use where you are in life to help another along in their journey.
4) Make a list of things or activities that make you happy and do those things. Know your limits and don’t do things you can’t afford, but if taking your dog for a walk brings you peace, yet you don’t take time to do it, make time! A ten minute walk around the block isn’t going to throw your schedule into that big of a tailspin.
5) Apologize to anyone you feel deep down you have wronged – you both will feel better. Saying ‘I’m sorry’ even for the littlest things can lift a great weight from your shoulders and make the other person know that they matter in your life.
6) It may seem to be a given, but don’t hold onto hating anyone. Hate destroys you from the inside out and does no one any good. If someone has wronged you, go to them and give them a chance to make things right, but if they don’t see the need to make peace with you, for your own good, you have to let it go! Remember, not everyone has your heart and will care about hurting you.
7) Make time to call or contact those who mean the most to you. Everyone loves to know they crossed your mind and you took the time to call and say ‘Hi there. I was just thinking about you and wanted to let you know.’ That may seem insignificant, but it may be the only time that day that anyone shares a kind word. You can turn a day around with a few minutes of your time spent on another.
8) Don’t end a day with regrets. You may not have tomorrow, so if at all possible, make peace with those in your world.