Purpose Push: Gender is Your Superpower

It’s a beautiful time to be a woman, but it always has been. Happy Women’s History Month! We’ve been making history since the beginning of time. From Michelle Obama to Harriet Tubman. Truthfully, we can take it all the way back to the first woman to grace the Earth, Eve. We’ve faced adversity and overcome it every time. From small family quarrels to large national and global issues, women have been the linchpin to a resolution. We don’t give up and we know how to persuade with grace. Did you know being a woman is a superpower? 

God is purposeful with everything He creates and you being here and being a woman was no accident. Remember, He knows the end from the beginning and the role you play in the story of the human race.

Let’s go back to Eve. I wish more people would look at her in a different light. She messed up and allowed the serpent to deceive her and ate the forbidden fruit, but we all would have done the same. What really counts is that she did not let her mistake shape the rest of her story. In Genesis 3:15, God said her seed would crush the serpent’s head and that’s exactly what happened! Despite her setback and how it made her feel, she rose every day to strive closer to the promise of God. After being cursed with painful labor, she had numerous children. She is considered the mother of the human race. How many men do you think could have handled that? 

Women have an amazing ability to handle multiple things, emotions, and people simultaneously and look graceful doing it. Eve managed differing personalities of a husband and multiple children, one of whom killed his brother (Genesis 4), while managing her own. That’s no easy task but for some reason, as the physically weaker vessel, God chose Eve to do it. God loves to defy the odds and what’s considered standard, and by giving women the supernatural ability to triumph over what our counterparts can’t, He affirms the realization that this world would crumble without the presence of women, but also vice versa. 

God gave man and woman different roles but the same goal and the danger zone is when we try to do things that were meant for the other person to handle. We often see this in marriage (Ephesians 5:22-33) but I’m not talking about societal roles like cooking or bringing home the bacon. It’s important for us to study the Bible to understand how God wants us to serve one another, even for those who are not married. When you’re operating in your natural ability, God fills in the voids of everything you will need, thus making you a whole and groundbreaking woman. 

So, how can we take full advantage of our superpower for the betterment of our lives and all those we come into contact with? Again, I will tell you to look at Eve’s life because the best thing she did was lean hard into Who creates and gives power. As a woman, you have access to God’s plans and prayer is the way to receive it. Galatians 3:28 says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus,” so that means there is no human above or below you. And there is nothing stopping you from making history, too. The desires and plans you have to become a successful businesswoman come into fruition by being who you were created to be. As a woman and as an individual, you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Lean fully into your superpower and watch how effortlessly you soar. Beloved woman, I have faith in you. 

Sheridan C. Watkins is a journalist and the owner of Perennial Peaces, a jewelry and gifts brand focused on transcending self-worth to all women. Her true work began after climbing out of a dark place with the help of God and therapy and her life mission is to provide tangible peace through her Divine gifts to help women heal and transform their life. Follow the mission on Instagram and Facebook: @perennialpeaces


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