Most mornings I wake up, unsure of what happened the night before. There are baby feet precariously balanced on my face, and with one sudden movement, I’m pretty sure I’ll get a black eye.
As I hang off the bed, listening to the snores of my husband, son, and dog, I wonder how am I going to throw myself together today and tackle the long list of work, family, and household tasks that await me.
Most mornings I don’t feel that motivation, the rush to “carpe diem.” The birds chirping sometimes make me angry – after all, who is that happy and sing-songy first thing in the morning. And the sun? I wish I had permanent sunglasses to block off the rays (at least before my morning cup of coffee, or two).
But then it happens, the dog whines to go outside and my son’s feet hit the floor, sleep still lingering in his eyes and he’s off to wreck the house, give me gray hairs before I’m 35, and simultaneously make me proud all at the same time.
Momma Mode – ACTIVATE!
I throw on whatever outfit will pass for the day, making mental note of any work meetings to ensure that the shirt is fancy enough for Zoom and the pants? Well yoga pants are a staple and all the rage these days. I am pretty much a fashionista.
Listening to my son rummage through his room, toys and books hitting the ground with a force that I know means a huge mess. I know what must happen: mascara.
There is something about mascara that makes me feel invincible, like super mom, employee, and wife all rolled into one. Quickly, I wave the black wand across my eyelashes and all those worries, the concern for the mess in the bedroom, disappears and is replaced with pure willpower and “I can conquer anything mode.” The motivation I lacked is now there. I join in with the birds chirping, singing off key to Baby Shark and rip the blinds open with the force of Superwoman.
My hair may be in a messy bun or clipped to the side to give the illusion that I actually styled it and I may have a fancy shirt paired with yoga pants (that somehow are already stained with something) but the mascara, it is on point and giving me the superpowers I need to do it all. I have transformed into Superwoman with the flick of a wand.
I don’t wear much makeup, quite frantically I barely have time to shower in the mornings, but the mascara, it is my superpower and even in my ratty sweatpants and sweater, (that I may have worn two days in a row), my eyelashes are amazing, and I feel like I can conquer anything before me.
Who knows, I may add some foundation and lip gloss and then, who knows what superpowers I may come out with next!