As I have grown up, graduated college and started my first full time job, I have discovered that I can practice self care through smaller activities that I like to call “simple joys.” Since I do not have much time for myself during the busy work week, I like to incorporate small, simple joys into my everyday life. The beautiful thing is that we do not have to experience self care through large events; actually, we can enjoy self care through everyday, normal activities. Below, I share some of my favorite ways to practice self care amidst the busyness of life.
- Take a Walk: I love getting outside and walking in the fresh air. Going for a walk allows me time to slow down and have time to myself. I love to think when I walk and reflect on what the week is like or has been like. Walking outside helps you feel better physically by moving and mentally by giving your mind time to rest.
- Grab a Coffee or Tea: One of my favorite simple joys in life is going to get an iced coffee at a local coffee shop. Typically, I will go on Saturday mornings to get a coffee, and I always look forward to my Saturday morning coffee. I enjoy trying seasonal flavors of coffee that are offered such as the iced peppermint mocha during the Christmas season. I always enjoy drinking my iced coffee, and it makes me happy getting a “treat” to enjoy.
- Spend Time Journaling & Reading: Taking time to journal and read is a great way to practice self care and have some quiet moments for your mind during the day. I enjoy doing my Bible study in the mornings when I wake up as this gives me time to sit in quietness before beginning my busy day.
- Bake a Sweet Treat: One activity that I love to do is baking. I enjoy baking muffins, cookies and cakes just to name a few. There is something therapeutic about baking for me. I feel that baking is calming for me since I am only focusing on following a recipe to create a delicious dessert. I like how baking is a stress-free activity that helps you feel a sense of accomplishment as you make a homemade dessert to enjoy.
- Spend Time With Friends: Spending time with friends is another great way to practice self care as your friends can make you laugh and feel happy. Going to grab lunch during your lunch break, going to eat dinner one night, going to sit at a coffee shop or going to walk around a bookstore are all easy ways to spend time talking and catching up with your friends.
- Take a Break from Social Media: I have found that taking a break from social media for some time is helpful because, otherwise, I will find myself scrolling and scrolling on social media for long periods of time. While I do enjoy social media and keeping up with people I know, social media can also be discouraging. It is easy to get on social media and be jealous about what other people have or it can make you feel lonely. Simply not scrolling for a long time on Instagram has helped me spend time doing other activities such as reading that are better for my mental health.
All of these activities are simple joys that can help you practice self care. I would encourage anyone reading this article to consider what you are doing for self care and think about incorporating some of these easy activities into your everyday schedule. By taking even 10 to 15 minutes to walk outside, read a chapter in a book or call a friend on the phone, you are taking time to practice self care which leads to experiencing simple joys.