This issue marks SEVENTEEN years of Forsyth Woman! WOW!
Let’s take a walk down memory lane…
- September 2005 – The very first issue of Forsyth Woman was published
- November 2007 – The debut issue of our sister magazine, Forsyth Family
- November 2011 – We unveiled our wedding magazine, FW Engaged
- September 2014 – The first ever Tour de Boutique event
- January 2015 – The first issue of our annual relocation guide, Forsyth Community
- January 2020 – The Forsyth Magazines Podcast launched
- March 2022 – Our first ever Women on the Move Conference
- September 2022 – The premiere issue of LKN Magazine
I’m so proud of my mom, Keela, for following her dream of launching a magazine in her new hometown of Lake Norman! Be sure to pick up a copy next time you are in the area—and you can always read it online at
I was fifteen years old when the first issue of Forsyth Woman was published back in 2005. I wrote a column called “Teen Talk,” helped deliver magazines each month and always knew in my heart that eventually I’d take over this business that my mom loved so much. I’ve grown to love this community more than I even thought possible and it’s an honor to be a part of it through these magazines. Through these pages, our events, our podcast… I feel that lifelong, meaningful connections and friendships have been made. We love helping people tell their story and connecting our community. While I am passionate about it, it feels like more than passion. I believe it’s my calling – my purpose.
Speaking of purpose, I have big news to share! I’m opening a CrossFit gym with my boyfriend, Gavin, and business partner, Scott. If you know me, you know I’ve been hooked on CrossFit for several years. My love for CrossFit runs deep. CrossFit is all about community and that’s one of the big reasons why I love it so much. Washington Park CrossFit is coming soon and we couldn’t be more excited. Being able to open a gym in a neighborhood I’ve quickly grown to love so much truly feels surreal! I’d love for you to come try it out for a week to see if it’s a good fit! You can learn more at and by following us on Instagram, @washingtonparkcrossfit.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover.” – Mark Twain
In other news, this is your last chance to register for our 2022 Tour de Boutique! You may be wondering, what is the Tour de Boutique?
The team at Forsyth Magazines knows a thing or two about shopping, and more specifically, shopping trips. Since 2010, we’ve hosted over 15 shopping events! We love turning a regular Saturday into an extraordinary Saturday with a shop-til-you-drop adventure! The Tour de Boutique is a self-guided tour of TEN local boutiques. These boutiques roll out the red carpet! From exclusive discounts to mimosas and cupcakes…. they really know how to make a girl feel special. Shop at your own pace and earn chances to win door prize(s) at every stop you make!
We all know the value of shopping local. It helps stimulate the local economy, creates jobs, and brings tremendous value to our community. Learn more on page XX and sign up today at Everyone who registers receives a pink crewneck “shop local” sweatshirt. I promise, you won’t want to miss this event!
The owner of South + Main boutique is gracing our cover this month! Thim’s store will be one of our stops on the tour again this year! You won’t want to miss her cover story on page XX. She shares insight on what she’s learned as a business owner over the last few years and her advice is GOOD.
Last but certainly not least… be sure to join us for Girls’ Night Out on Wednesday September 14th at Bermuda Run Country Club! We’ll have live music, a photo booth, AlphaLit letters… and more! We’re collecting school supplies for the Educator Warehouse so the more supplies you bring, the more door prize tickets you’ll get! Reservations are required – learn more on page XX.
As always, you can stay up to date with anything and everything related to the magazines on our social media platforms (@forsythmags)!
Wishing you an amazing month of September and hope to see you at GNO!