“Alexa, can we talk?” Typing and swiping may take a back seat

Before delving into this month’s column here is a trivia question. Which of today’s popular voice-enacted virtual assistants has the most market share, Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri or Google’s Assistant? The answer is at the end, no peeking. The title of my column asks, “Alexa, can we talk?” Unfortunately, the answer, for now, is no. […]

Budget Bzzz: 9 Things to Include in Your March Budget

Did you know it is important to alter your budget based on the month? For example, maybe you add a little more in the expense category rather than savings for the month of December, or you figure you’ll spend more money during the summer months for things such as vacations. There is no better time […]

Need a Privacy Fence? Grow a Living Screen

A private oasis in your very own backyard brings images of floral colors and tranquil moments. Just the mere thought of opening a door and walking onto stones or lush grass, hearing birds and blocking out noise has the potential to lower stress. The first thought may be a fence, an automatic screen of wooden […]

Evolution of the Working Woman

From being restricted to housework and peddling as retail vendors, to stepping outside the house to become lawyers, surgeons, and business owners, women have marched long miles and fought their way into the workforce. Here is a brief, but substantial look at how the working woman evolved throughout the centuries. First, it’s important to know […]


Helping girls find their voices and their power to build confidence, make good decisions and grow to be successful women is what drives Joy Nelson-Thomas, the founder and executive director of Learning Everyday Accomplishing Dreams (LEAD) Girls of NC. Now in its second year of operations, LEAD Girls of NC is a one-of-a-kind nonprofit that […]

Forsyth Humane Society A Commitment to Save More Cats and Dogs

In 1941, the Forsyth Humane Society [FHS] was founded and has acted as an advocate for the unwanted and uncared-for cats and dogs in our community. Although the FHS has made great strides at their facility in assisting cats and dogs in finding their forever homes, there are still many that go unadopted in our […]

The Love and Hate of Spring Home Repairs

The moment March 1st arrives, we often start daydreaming about warmer temperatures, the arrival of flower buds, and the transition from dreary winter to beautiful spring. Our anticipation rarely includes home repairs, which can be difficult, time-consuming, and dirty. Tackling spring repairs does not have to be achieved in one month. Consider marking your 18-month […]

PAL – Parents of Addicted Loved Ones You Are Not Alone

When Deborah Capps of Advance, NC, was dealing with her teenage son’s battle with alcohol and drugs over 20 years ago, support groups were rare; although she attended one for a while, places to help her know she wasn’t alone in her struggles to help her son were limited. “Kevin’s drug problem started in his […]

Car Care #1: The Exterior: Keeping the Shine

Salt and grime appear as a mask, camouflaging our vehicles from their native color and shine. However, one means to rejuvenate a vehicle from winter’s impact is a well-needed wash and shampoo. One of the many options available, especially as we enter a season of warmer temperatures, is to consider a car wash. You may […]

Camel City Creates: Storyteller Cyndi Briggs Captures Local Veteran Stories

Since 2014 Dr. Cyndi Briggs has helped veterans record their stories for future generations. The daughter and granddaughter of Army veterans, Cyndi became interested in the effects of war after discovering her deceased grandfather’s World War II photos and memorabilia. The photos revealed a secret chapter in her grandfather’s life, as he never talked about […]

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