Jeanette Adams met her beloved Todd Adams when they both worked as flight attendants for US
Airways. Todd had been on the job since 1989 and had quickly become a favorite among his crew members and passengers. He put his passengers at ease with his humor. He recognized military personnel on his flights and honored their service. As Jeanette will tell you, “When Todd was in the terminal, other crew members would make a beeline to see him. He was hilarious, goofy, tall, handsome, the whole package.” She adds “It was how he treated people, though that was his most attractive attribute.”
On a trip based out of Charlotte 2010 they shared a meal. She said, “It was easy. He was all the things that made me happy and comfortable.” For the next four years they would coordinate schedules as often as possible. “Working with him was fun and it was our way of dating,” Jeanette said. Todd and Jeanette wanted to get married, but life got in the way.
Fast forward to 2017. While at the doctor for an unrelated issue, Todd was diagnosed with a completely different condition. He had stage four cancer. His mindset in the wake of this news was remarkable. Jeanette said, “You never would have known. He never had a ‘poor me’ mentality.”
For a few years, Todd responded to protocols and medications. Then, ultimately, faced surgery and rehab. Jeanette, during Covid, took advantage of early retirement to help Todd when he left rehab. That was not to be. Infections plagued his body, sending him to the hospital for six weeks. The idea of a wedding was delayed as Todd did not want to be in a wheelchair, but rather stand and say his vows to Jeanette.
His body grew tired. He lost a tremendous amount of weight. His medications required an IV line inserted in his neck. Unfortunately, when that line had a bleed, he refused having another saying, “I’m done.” Jeanette arrived at the hospital to face this decision. Today, she often thinks about how she could have responded and possibly saved him. Yet she says, “I knew the Lord had a plan. The time had come for Todd to be at peace.”
The hospital suggested hospice care, and his family chose Trellis Supportive Care. They had experienced Trellis’ care with another family member and knew Todd would be in the best possible hands. Todd arrived at the KBR Hospice Home on Tuesday, June 8. The following day he had a visit with his Pastor and was determined he was not going anywhere until he married Jeanette. “I knew how he felt about marriage, but I was shocked,” she shared. Their dear friend Annette, knowing how deeply Todd wanted to be married, stepped in to help. She sent Jeanette for a marriage license, calling ahead to make sure the license could be obtained on the spot and arranged for a notary so Todd could sign the necessary paperwork.
The wedding was scheduled for Friday, June 11 at 10: 30 am. Jeanette asked a nurse for permission to allow a few more people into his room for the ceremony. Jeanette was then presented with “The Trellis Touch.” Trellis staff asked if they could help. “I was floored, we were only under Trellis’ care for four days. I won’t ever be able to thank them enough. I am so grateful for the treatment we received and the compassion they had as we watched him go. They did so much and provide so much, all while comforting us.” Along with Annette, Trellis made sure there were flowers, cake, champagne, music, and a photographer.
Annette was Jeanette’s Matron of Honor and Todd’s dad was his Best Man. With the help of his Pastor, Todd slid the wedding band on Jeanette’s finger. They became Mr. and Mrs. Todd Adams. Todd died six hours later. His final flight was as a married man.