The Benefits of a Spray Tan – Getting the Glow Without the Damage

When I was in high school, I loved laying out in the sun. Back in my day, it was baby oil and a reflective blanket, flipping every hour, following the path of the sun all day. No one said very much about it ever leading to wrinkles, because at 16, who is worried about wrinkles? Fast forward to present day, I don’t lay out much due to…you got it, damaging my skin and wrinkles. So, turning to a safe way to get a tan was definitely a route I wanted to take!

Someone once told me, “Tanned fat looks better than white fat,” and I have to agree. But, what are other benefits of a spray tan that you may not have thought about in your search for that summer glow?

No UV Exposure

My tolerance for the heat of southern summers is different these days. I love a hot summer day, but to just sit and bake like a rotisserie chicken isn’t for me anymore. With my spray tan, I get the look I want without any of the damage that comes from the sun. Basically, no sun exposure means no skin damage from the harmful UV radiation leading to lower risk of developing melanoma.

Instant Results 

With a good spray tan, like a personal spray tan or a Mystic Tanning booth, you don’t have to spend hours in the sun to get that sun-kissed look. It will only take about 10 to 20 minutes for you to get the results that you want, which works well with today’s busy schedules.

No Streaks for Me!

I have tried many lotions, sprays and foams to get a tan, but most leave the tell-tale signs of the product…streaks! My experience with the Mystic Tanning has been excellent. Not a streak to be found! You can start as light as you want and gradually get to the color you like, or jump in and go for the mid-summer-been-to-the beach-for-a-month look. It is recommenced to exfoliate before getting the spray tan, so it will be easily absorbed and then wait at least a day before you shower. My spray tan lasts about a week to 10 days.

Face It, You Feel Better with a Tan!

I always feel better about the way I look in my clothes when I have a tan; my self-confidence gets a boost with a jump in my skin color. I feel healthier, too. It’s a weird psychological thing for me…I just like a tan.


Tan Lines Are Usually in the Worst Locations

I’m one of those girls who hates tan lines. I will unhook whatever type of bathing suit I have to make sure my tan lines are as minimal as possible. As my tanning professional, Tara Snow, likes to say, “With a spray tan, you can maneuver yourself in the booth to make sure all the nooks and crannies are sprayed.” She’s right! No tan lines is a major plus to spray tanning. You can wear the strapless sundress without everyone knowing what bikini top you wore the day before.

If you are like me and have decided to let the reflective blanket, baby oil and frying like bacon in the sun go for whatever reason, look into spray tanning. It is a great option to still get the look you want and leave any additional damage to your skin behind.


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