Summit Eye Care: Breaking News

  • Local Clemmons patient with 20/70 vision in danger of losing driver’s permit. Local surgeon performed cataract surgery, and patient now has 20/25 vision and his independence has been restored and driver’s permit has been renewed!
  • Local Winston-Salem citizen who experienced sudden vision loss had sight restored after retinal detachment surgery performed by local retina specialist.

Wouldn’t it be great to turn on the TV or open social media and hear about the good things happening around us!  Rather than be reminded of all the grief and turmoil, hearing about medical breakthroughs, successful surgeries, and success stories in general would be very uplifting.    This article from Summit Eye Care for the month of November is just that – a feel good story and thankfulness notification.

Patients are having their vision preserved every day of every week in and around Winston-Salem, through cataract surgery, retinal surgery, cornea surgery, retinal injections, the correct spectacle or contact lens prescription, and so very much more.    Eye comfort and healing occurs every day through the correct prescription for dry eye treatments, antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, etc.

The good news for this month is that Winston-Salem and the surrounding communities are very blessed to have the most advanced technology within a few miles to help diagnose and treat vision issues.  More than one billion people globally are not so fortunate.   They cannot afford or do not have access to eye care or eyewear. An estimated 285 million are estimated to be visually impaired which means 39 million are blind and 246 million have low vision.   An estimated 82% are age 50 and above. Of all visual impairment, 80% can be prevented or cured. There are many world organizations striving to improve eyesight throughout the world.

At Summit Eye Care we treat patients with glaucoma, diabetes, cataracts, dry eye, infections, refractive errors and more.    If you do not have an eye care provider, we would be happy to care for your vision needs. Vision is one of our most valuable senses.   Let’s preserve it so life can be enjoyed to the fullest.

Remember: HOT OFF THE PRESS! Good vision care is just a phone call away!

Happy Thanksgiving.



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