In the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, I worried about everything. Whether I picked the right coach, or the right niche, or the right colors were just a few things. I constantly stressed and cried over every single step I took, wondering if it was moving me toward or away from the freedom and finances I wanted to attain as a businesswoman. I always heard there isn’t a straight line towards the success you seek but I didn’t want to accept that. I thought I could surpass all pitfalls because I always had a business podcast playing and wasn’t afraid to invest in educating myself. Yet, I was still frustrated. I thought hearing from the most successful people and reciting prayers was enough but it wasn’t until I embodied these prayers and advice, let God transform my mind and walked like I was living the life I wanted that I began to see my desires catch up with me. So let me help you live in expectancy:
Give God something to bless
There’s a woman, Patrice Washington, who first said, “Give God something to bless,” through her podcast, “Redefining Wealth.” The tips and advice you hear prove to be more valuable when you actually implement them in your life. Giving God something to bless means to stop consuming so much information and put out your own! How can you expect to see your prayers manifest if you’re being inspired but not producing anything? You’re inspired so you can inspire those who connected to your life. Those people may never hear the podcast or read the article that changed your life, so how will you get that information or product to them? When you produce, you can surely expect God to guide the right people to you. The timeline of when is up to God, your job is to stay consistent and create what He laid in your heart so you’re ready to receive your supernatural blessings.
God heirs will succeed
Don’t ever question whether or not you are a true heir of God. Of all creations, God fell in love with humans! At one point, it was assumed Jews were the chosen people but God doesn’t show favoritism. Read Acts 10, the story of Peter and Cornelius and discover this for yourself.
God governs the journey and the money
Money was never meant to be evil. In fact, it’s neutral but you do need money to do God’s work. And guess what? God knows this! So you can rest assured that He will fund the work of the kingdom. So rent and mortgage? You’re good! Bills? You’re good! Food and clothes? He’s got you covered! Lean into that. Don’t be frivolous with your money or you will struggle more than what’s required but give every monetary need and desire to God and listen to what He tells you to do next.
Remember, God is not a slot machine
One time, I found myself in a dilemma. I needed to make sales but I also needed to pay my rent! I could either invest in my business to upgrade my display for visual aesthetic so it could represent luxury (and my luxury prices) or I could use that money to pay my rent. I couldn’t do both. So I talked with God and He said INVEST! It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever made. But I felt peace in my uncertainty and ended up making three times my investment and was able to pay my rent that month and every month going forward! I use this example to highlight the importance of discernment. God is not a slot machine, however, and He will not back up foolish decisions just because you slapped His name on it. Living in expectancy means you are consistently hearing from God so there’s no question about the ultimate outcome. Even when things don’t go exactly how you thought, you are unwavered because you heard what God said and you are attached to the outcome, not the process.
People speak about walking by faith constantly but it’s not until you actually do it that you realize God will never let you fall. If you hear it from Him, He’s got you covered! I’m a living testament and I have faith in you. Expect good things from God.