Does the thought of getting in front of the camera for your business scare you? Well, same here, sister! And yet, as camera shy as I’ve always been, I am that person who records videos on her smartphone and shares them with strangers on the internet!
How do I push through the insecurity and put myself in the hot seat every week? The answer is that it helps serve my customers and therefore my business.
Push Past the Fear and Connect More Powerfully.
There are so many reasons you can come up with to hide behind the camera rather than allow yourself to embrace it and show your face. You think your voice sounds annoying, you don’t have “the look” other business owners do, nobody wants to hear what you have to say, you feel awkward in photos – the list goes on! We have to remember that the parts we pick apart about ourselves are things that nobody else notices and learn how to let go of the fear of being seen, and get more comfortable in front of the camera.
What so many forget, is that all of those insecurities, as real as they feel, are nothing compared to the impact that can be made when you let yourself be the face of your business and truly connect with your audience! So, how do you get more comfortable?
Set Yourself Up For Success.
When do you feel most confident? Try to capture yourself on camera when you feel your best. If you are recording a short promo video, do you prefer to be sitting or standing? Are you more comfortable wearing makeup or without? If you struggle to have photos of yourself, help ease your discomfort by choosing a day to have photos taken in your favorite outfit or colors that make you feel beautiful. Having an off day where you aren’t exactly embracing your “flaws”? Give yourself permission to wait a day or so to get out of your head before you jump back in front of the camera. Also, be sure to remove distractions when you’re creating video so you can focus and feel more at ease.
Be Confident in What You’re Talking About.
Don’t just show up to show up! As business owners, it’s easy to feel like social media and creating visual content is just another checkbox on your to-do list. Make sure you are being intentional about what you’re sharing with your audience. Think about what kind of content they will find valuable and want to actually engage with. Don’t try to share on a topic that your competitor is sharing simply because you think it’s what you “should be doing.” Create video content that you feel knowledgeable about and have expertise on as a business owner, and are passionate about sharing with your audience. People can smell inauthenticity a mile away, so build trust and connection by sticking to topics you feel the most confident on.
Remember Who You’re Talking To.
One of the very first decisions we make as business owners if figuring out who our ideal customer is. When you’re creating video content, it’s important to remember exactly who you’re addressing and try to picture them in front of you! We can feel awkward and a little robotic sometimes when we hit that scary record button on our camera or smartphone. Allow yourself to have someone in mind that you’re speaking to and it will get easier to show up as yourself and share what you’re there to talk about. Think about the energy you are bringing to the table and the person on the other end. What emotion are you wanting them to feel? Should they be intrigued, excited, emotionally invested, ready to take action?
Practice Makes Perfect!
The journey to creating high-quality content where you show up as your best self is just that – a journey! Give yourself time to try different approaches and see what works best for you. Try your hand at creating short videos for Instagram or Facebook stories since they are low pressure and disappear in 24 hours! Purchase a smartphone tripod and set it up at your desk and practice talking about your business for a few minutes each day and watch it to see what you would change next time. Remind yourself that it’s not about looking your best or sounding like the biggest expert, but about building trust and a relationship with people on the other end.