Dr. Neal Goldman knew at the tender age of five that he wanted to be a doctor. Even so young, he saw purpose and passion in helping others, which launched a life-long commitment that shows in every aspect of his popular practice – Goldman Center for Facial Plastic Surgery.
With an office in Winston-Salem, NC, and an office in Boone, NC, Dr. Goldman has always embraced the idea that being a doctor also meant involvement with worldwide medicine, and he is strongly committed to charities and international medical programs.
In addition to the extended family he feels he’s joined with his work abroad, Dr. Goldman and his long-time staff here at home nourish a welcoming “family” feel around the office, where they have been enhancing faces in the Winston-Salem community since 1999. The small, close-knit staff includes one nurse, one medical assistant, two estheticians, one full-time receptionist, and one office manager/patient coordinator. Dr. Goldman is double board-certified, from both the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and the American Board of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, and with his professional resume and comforting demeanor, he is much-loved by patients.
Plastic surgery has the distinction of being both an art and a science, and while there are numerous practices in the area who can offer Botox and filler treatments, when you realize surgery is your one true option, Goldman Center for Facial Plastic Surgery should be your number one choice.
“When patients meet me, they know they are seeing someone who isn’t also focusing on tummy, breast, or hand work,” says Dr. Goldman. “My practice here in Winston-Salem is limited solely to facial aesthetics, so that means my patients are truly getting a facial specialist.”
The Goldman Center’s focus includes facelifts, neck lifts, brow lifts, mid-face suspensions, eyelifts, and aesthetic nasal concerns.
“If people are unsure as to whether or not they are good candidates for any procedure, they should consider coming in for a consultation,” says Dr. Goldman. While using computer imaging, he can look at their photographs, discuss available options, and he and the patient can decide – together – if it’s a reasonable option to pursue. For Dr. Goldman and his team, the value of the strong doctor-patient relationship is invaluable, since the entire process of plastic surgery is a very personal one.
Dr. Goldman notes that many women who come to his office echo the very same sentiment: “My mother did this, but I never thought I would!”
It is likely potential patients have heard well-meaning friends ask if they feel more tired than usual, or even if they are angry! In most cases, that’s enough for women to take a second look in the mirror, and if they aren’t feeling the confident vibe they deserve, to make that phone all to Dr. Goldman. Through the years he’s found that many prospective patients tend to prefer instant gratification, such as a non-invasive cream, and often they don’t realize what they truly need is actually eyelid surgery or a brow lift. Sometimes surgery is the only answer. No matter which route they take, patients now are more eager to share their success stories.
“Times have certainly changed,” says Dr. Goldman. “When I came to North Carolina in 1999, it was more secretive. Today, people aren’t ashamed to talk about it.”
Dr. Goldman explains that younger patients can often address the upper eyelids alone. The procedure, known as blepharoplasty, is a straightforward, 45-minute process. For the upper eyelids, the incision line is placed at the natural eyelid crease, and excess skin, muscle, and fat are removed. Since the incision is placed in a natural crease, it’s frequently almost invisible after surgery.
A number of options exist for lower eyelid surgery, but the most common approach at the Goldman Center is transconjunctival blepharoplasty, where the incision is placed inside the eyelid, invisible from the outside. Adding an endoscopic brow lift opens up the eyes, and promotes an overall more youthful look, lifting that heavy tissue that seems to fall more at the sides and can make us look tired and angry. Incisions can often be placed behind the hairline as well. A brow lift can also help improve vision in many patients, especially if heavy tissue has been hanging down a bit too far. The average recovery time for the upper eyelid procedure alone is eight days, while most patients who choose to do their eyelids and the brow lift take two weeks off work for recovery, unless bruising or swelling persists.
Some patients have more of a textural issue – such as crinkling on the eyelids – where Retin A can be used to tighten the skin and even skin tone. In addition, never overlook the life-long benefits of a personalized skincare regimen, which can offer suitable results for many patients. Dr. Goldman can assist you in choosing the most optimum daily care for your particular skin type.
Dr. Goldman began his education at Duke University and then studied medicine at the University of Rochester in New York. He was drawn to that program’s focus on the bio-psychosocial model of medicine, which emphasizes – as you might guess – the doctor-patient relationship! He then completed two fellowships at the University of Washington in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face, head and neck, as well as cranial-maxillofacial surgery, and started his practice at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, where he served as the Director of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from 1999 until 2012. He publishes both nationally and internationally, on a variety of topics in his field, and along with his North Carolina practice, he is dedicated to HUGS (Help Us Give Smiles) – an organization that helps improve congenital deformities such as cleft lip, cleft palate, and microtia around the world. (Note: HUGS currently travels to both Guatemala and Vietnam to assist young patients there, and in fact, Dr. Goldman is heading to Guatemala this month.)
Dr. Goldman and his team are always proud when they witness the joy that happy patients feel, knowing they’ve played a part in improving someone’s life by enhancing their appearance and increasing their confidence. The staff treasures each new patient relationship, and the chance to see each person emerge as the very best version of themselves!
With many options available to brighten your own future with new-found confidence, Dr. Goldman and his staff look forward to discussing what’s best for your unique situation. Goldman Center for Facial Plastic Surgery is located at 108 Dornach Way, Advance, NC, 336-245-9595, and at 717 Greenway Road, Boone, NC, 828-278-9230. Visit FacialPlasticSurgeryNC.com to learn more about their practice and available services. For more information on the work of HUGS, please visit helpusgivesmiles.org. Dr. Goldman volunteers annually for medical mission trips to Guatemala and Vietnam, and also serves our veterans by providing reconstructive surgery for the Department of Veterans Affairs.