Brown eggs. White eggs. Even pink, blue, green, and speckled eggs. The coloring of an eggshell does not indicate the quality or nutritional value; however, it does determine the breed of the hen, as well as her diet. A happy hen who feasts on grass and bugs, grain and vegetables, and has access to fresh water will produce an egg healthy in color, perhaps white as the moon or a rich brown. Beyond the shell, it contains the essential protein, minerals, vitamins, and nine essential amino acids. A healthy hen produces a rich, almost orange yoke. While still healthy, a dark yellow yoke suggests the hen digested corn and alfalfa.
Why the egg? The oval-shaped sphere is inexpensive and essential to our diet.
- A fresh egg will sink in water while a stale one will float.
- What does the label mean? “Cage-free” and “free-range” offer essentially the same definition. The hens can roam outdoors without the confines of a cage despite a duration of time as a requirement. “Certified organic” implies the hens have a specific vegetarian diet excluding pesticides, animal by-products, or genetically modified foods.
- Eggs are essential for the body! They contain choline, which helps develop healthy cell membranes and activity, stimulates brain development and function, promotes liver function, and preserves memory. Lutein, an antioxidant, prevents cataracts and muscular degeneration. All vitamins, except Vitamin C, are found within the yoke, and it contains six grams of high dose protein to help you build muscle, feel full and satisfied, and sustain mental and physical energy throughout the day.
- Zero carbs, no sugar, gluten-free, and only 70 calories in an uncooked egg.
- An egg yolk measures one tablespoon, while the whole content measures three tablespoons worth of liquid.
- Eggs that have a sell-by date are still edible up to four weeks after that date. If you question the egg, crack one open and smell. An unpleasant odor will indicate you need to dispose of it.
- Why waste a natural “Miracle Grow”? The egg has a use beyond expiration. Rather than throwing eggs away, bury it whole next to flowers, or use a tool to crush the shells in soil and sprinkle the contents in your garden. The nutrients can revitalize your soil and promote health to your plants.
- Whether scrambled, sunny-side up, an omelet, or boiled, versatility and imagination for adding bread, spinach and a tomato for a sandwich or cooked with cheese, a green pepper, and onion.
- Thicken gravy? Temper the yolk with three or four spoonfuls of the hot juice; then, pour into pot and stir over medium-low heat.
- Approximately 280 million hens in the United States produce more than 65 billion eggs per year.
- In the laying process, eggs may be contaminated with Salmonella. It is always important to wash your hands after handling eggs and most importantly, even in just touching the eggs.
- Why do some recipes require eggs to be at room temperature? During the necessity of separating whites from yokes, this task is easier when the egg has a chance to warm, roughly 20 to 30 minutes.It makes it easier for recipes that involve eggs to be beaten or whipped, with or without sugar, into a foam. Additionally, batters that contain high-fat may curdle or appear lumpy when a cold egg is added.
- The Ease of Peeling a Hard-Boiled Egg: One of the most important facts is age. With time, the egg gradually loses moisture through the pores within the shell, and the Ph level will change, only affecting the outer membrane between the casing and the egg. Older eggs will not have the issue of peeling. It begins by adding eggs immediately to boiling water, and afterward, remove the eggs to a bowl full of ice water and allow time to cool.
The incredible egg serves our nutritional needs and is a tremendous asset to recipes such as crème brûlée, deviled and Scotch eggs, egg-drop noodle soup, soufflés, quiches, and much more!