A secret lies behind the greatness of successful women such as Oprah Winfrey, Marie Kondo, Michelle Obama, and Arianna Huffington. This powerful secret is more than just ideal nutrition, sheer talent, and sharp motivation. Believe it or not, it’s how they wake up in the morning. It’s how they stimulate their minds once their feet touch the floor immediately after opening their eyes. It’s how they take time for themselves and set their mood for the day ahead.
Don’t rush; take time for yourself. With the busyness of our lives, our mornings are likely to be rushed. We barely roll out of bed with just enough time for us to get ready for work. Naturally, make enough time to shower, brush our teeth, make coffee and a quick breakfast, get dressed, do our hair, and, if we’re lucky, our makeup. But one additional thing is necessary: to make time for ourselves. We need to get in the habit of making time for activities such as prayer, meditation, and reflection, even if it means we have to wake up 30 minutes or an hour earlier. This is practical for those who are prone to nervousness and anxiety, as a rushed morning would only make an anxious person even more neurotic. Making that tranquil alone time for ourselves will help set a positive mood for the day.
Put away that phone! Yes, we live in an era that is dominated by the use of smart technology. Our phones and tablets have become almost too dependable and entertaining, to the point where we feed ourselves with social media while our heads are still resting on our pillows! This is because most of us use our phones as alarm clocks. Although smart devices can be used productively, too much contact with them can get in the way of our productivity. So, instead of using our smartphones as alarm clocks, invest in traditional alarm clocks to remove your mobile phone as a distraction. That phone gets in the way of us having our needed alone time.
Fortify your body. Our physical bodies need nourishment and hydration to give us strength for the day ahead. As fast-paced as today’s world is, it is easy to forget to make a quality breakfast before we leave the house. Some folks just make a cup of coffee and head out the door. But running on an empty stomach is dangerous. Try to do a simple, balanced breakfast (it doesn’t have to be an IHOP feast) with some fruit, grains, and some dairy if you can tolerate it. Pair it with a warm beverage, such as fresh lemon water with honey or an invigorating herbal tea. Give yourself some substantial brain food before leaving home.
Fortify your mind. It’s important to wake our brains up in the morning. What do you like to do to stimulate your mind and keep it sharp? Get into the habit of reading for a few minutes every morning. It could be a novel, a self-help book, a news article, or some Bible verses. Listen to some uplifting music. You can even do some quick exercises if it suits you—this gets your blood pumping and sends oxygen to your brain so you can think more clearly.
Stimulate your senses. Waking up our physical senses, such as sight, smell, and taste, helps us to focus, which is something we need to master in order to become successful! Diffusing essential oils or burning your favorite candle as you get ready helps to wake up your mind. Drinking coffee, opening up your blinds to let in the morning light, and splashing your face with cool water are all ways to make you more alert in the morning and prepare you for your day.
Speak life into your day. Try asking yourself every morning, “What do I want out of today? How can I make this day matter?” Whatever your answer is, speak it and believe it! Speak some holy scripture over yourself or some of your favorite quotes. Plaster them over your walls and your mirror if you have to.
Success will become a lifestyle once you adopt these morning habits.