It’s the month of gratitude, and what can I say? It’s hard to limit my gratitude to a single month, so I don’t even try. Month after month, I recognize how blessed I am to do what I love, and it’s thanks to you – our readers and advertising partners!
Honestly – this is our busiest time of year. We are in production with our regular publications, but we have the November issue of Engaged! coming out and are starting to work on our annual magazine, Forsyth Community.
But before we get into that – let me tell you about our Tour de Boutique in October! This may have been our best one yet. Our 15th shopping trip was a sellout, and we actually had to get an overflow van due to the demand. An extra special thank you, once again, to our friends at Fraleigh’s Boutique, for the use of their store van! It was a huge help! We had a very enthusiastic group of shoppers who were excited to spend the day touring some of the best locally-owned boutiques in the area! This trip is so near and dear to our hearts because it’s all about local, local, local! We love that the day is all about supporting the “shop small” initiative! Thank you to all of our stores for their hospitality! And thank you to our shoppers for spending the day with us! We had a great time with all of you!
But shopping small doesn’t start and end in the retail world! We are delighted to feature our long-time friends and business partners, Jason and Bobbie Skinner of Paparazzi Hair Salon on the cover of this month’s magazine! Talk about two people with a heart for community! These two have such a love for Forsyth County and a tremendous love for their team. While they are a full-service salon, I love stopping by to get my hair braided. It’s especially helpful on delivery days when I need my hair out of the way so I can focus on getting these magazines out to you, our readers!
Because it’s November – that means this issue also features our annual gift guide! Check it out on pages 82 – 85! This is a great opportunity to see what fun and unique gifts you can get right here in Forsyth County!
I mentioned our seasonal publications earlier, so circling back to those – please be sure to pick up a copy of FW Engaged!The cover is stunning, and our amazing photographer, Jon Eric Johnson, has done a tremendous job! We love it and are so proud of this magazine! Once again, my daughter has exceeded my expectations and produced another beautiful publication of which we can all be proud!
And please check out page 138 to learn more about our annual magazine, Forsyth Community! This one is a true labor of love for the Lewisville and Clemmons communities! Plus, it’s a publication that has so many facets – its purpose has exceeded everything we originally envisioned! If your business is interested in advertising, the article explains all the perks and benefits!
As always, thank you so much for reading! It’s an honor that you choose us each month. Please let our advertisers know you saw them in this month’s issue, and until next time – have a very Happy Thanksgiving!