We all have our favorite T.V. shows and movies – ones that we watch hundreds of times and could probably recite word-for-word. A person can have many reasons why they like a T.V. show or movie. These stories can give them comfort and a chance to relax without having to really think about what is happening with the characters and storyline, because we already know it. There is a “feels like home” associated with it. In addition, the shows and movies can be turned on in the background and any time you tune into them, you know exactly what is going on. And lastly, they connect us with memories of loved ones and good times.
Thanks to our diverse interests, likes, and dislikes, favorites vary from person to person. Certain ones have attracted millions of people, but your favorite TV show may be disliked by someone else. The good news is that there are thousands of shows and movies available that become people’s first choice all for different reasons, including the ones below which have stolen the hearts of our Forsyth Woman writers.
“The Office because I love the characters and the inappropriate office behaviors. Also, Friends, because it makes me laugh and takes me back to the ‘90s.” – Leslie Speas
“Hope Floats, Forrest Gump, and Dirty Dancing.” – Carolyn Peterson
“My favorites are very obscure. For T.V. shows, Gilmore Girls and Crash Landing on You. For movies, Newsies and Troop Beverly Hills.” – Meghan Corbett
“Driving Miss Daisy. I practically know it by heart.” – Kim Beane
“The Office and Everybody Hates Chris for T.V. shows and Clueless for movies. It is my all time favorite!” – Chelsie Hart
“I binge watch Parks & Recreation because I want to be Leslie Knope when I grow up.” – Tabi Falcone
“Law & Order: SVU – good background for writing for some reason. I’ve seen them all, but I’m attached to the characters, and sometimes can’t remember exactly what happened. Friends is also a good background TV for writing. Comfortable, I guess.” – Martie Emory
“Movies I love to watch again and again are Forrest Gump and Almost Famous. I love the storylines, the dialogue, and the music. These are movies I end up quoting because I love so many of the scenes, especially Forrest Gump. My husband and I always find reasons to quote this movie. A TV show I watch over and over is Mad Men because it’s a perfect show in my book. The writing is incredible, the characters and plots are fascinating. I always find something new that I missed before. Plus, I love the period decor and costumes.” – Karen Cooper
“I can watch The Office year after year and still laugh, cringe, and cry every episode. My husband and I watched the show in college when it was first airing and since then it is the show we always come back to as a comfort. You can play an episode in the background or sit down intentionally and watch the whole series each year and it always satisfies.” – Taryn Jerez
“As soon as the turkey leftovers are wrapped up and put away, it’s time for The Holiday with Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, and Jack Black. I can almost quote it word-for-word and I know it’s predictable and cheesy, but I simply adore it! The English cottage Christmas, Cameron’s perfectly adorable face, Jack Black’s wit, and well…Jude Law! It’s just the best chick-flick to start the holiday season!” – Tabatha Renegar
As for me, my favorite shows have already been listed…The Office and Parks and Recreation. These shows have provided many laughs. I have too many movies that are my go-tos when I need something to watch, but the Harry Potter series and Mamma Mia never disappoint.
Our list of beloved T.V. shows and movies are always growing and will never go out of date. What shows and movies are on your list?