This month’s featured artist, Angelina Taddeucci, has an unique ability to blend her imaginative vision with her client’s dreams. Angelina creates captivating and personalized works of art that resonate deeply with her audience.
Angelina Taddeucci Jordan | Muralist, Canvas Artist & Faux Painter
How would you describe your work?
One of the things that separates me from other artists is I don’t have a certain style or medium with which I work. Over the years, I’ve never stuck with just one thing; instead I’ve produced all styles and worked with all mediums. All my work is customized for my clients, allowing me to produce whatever they request. It’s been a gift since I can remember to be able to paint, draw, create and bring about any creation my clients desire.
What influences your art most?
Honestly, my clients’ ideas and what they express wanting to bring to life for themselves, I bring to life. I am always inspired as I listen to their ideas and put my thoughts and experience into every piece of work. We end up with an original idea and an artistic design fully custom to them.
How have you evolved, personally, as an artist?
I have pushed myself to do more artwork for myself over the years. I choose anything that interests me. It’s been an incredible journey to put on canvas what I would like to see painted. Many of these pieces have sold quickly and boost my confidence to produce more in the future.
How do you carve out time to be creative?
We all know that time is something everyone has very little of and it never feels like enough. I go through all my creativity in my head, brainstorming ideas to execute. Even before I have started a project, it is always visually finished in my head, and I know exactly how it will look in the end which helps me get the most out of my time.
What are you working on that excites you right now?
I am working on a mural of Old Salem at the moment. My clients, whom I have worked for multiple times, contacted me about this project in their home of Old Salem. They have exciting ideas to add to this mural to customize it to their personal life experiences. We are so excited about working on this together!
What is one piece of advice you’d like to share with fellow artists?
Never give up. There will always be challenges in the art world. If it’s your passion, then understand there are ups and downs. I started my company 24 years ago with a borrowed ladder and a Tupperware lid for a palette. You can make anything happen in this world if you never give up.
If you are interested in learning more about Angelina, you can follow her on Instagram @artbyangelinataddeucci.You can also contact her directly for information regarding bookings and commissions at [email protected].