Spookywoods Opens for the Season at Kersey Valley

Fall is the time for pumpkin spice, changing leaves, and a crispness in the air.  It is also the time for a good fright.  With Halloween just around the corner, many people are looking for a way to get excited about the season by enjoying a spooky experience.  If this is the kind of thing that makes your fall complete, Kersey Valley Spookywoods is a must on your fall to-do list. 

This year marks 33 years for this attraction, and it was just rated the most extreme haunt in America. But there is more to Spookywoods than being an extreme haunt.  It is set apart from other attractions by the fact that all the design and art, from concept to final product, is done in-house.  From the elaborate sets to the make-up and masks of the characters, the team at Kersey Valley does it all themselves to create a truly unique experience. 

Spookywoods 2018 is themed “All New” because, in addition to a few new attractions, every existing attraction has been retouched and revised. Whether you are a return visitor, or you are a first-time guest, they want you to have a fresh, exciting experience. They have taken special care in creating the new Vampires Phantom Castle.  Art Director Joe Harp spoke excitedly about the concept for this new addition. “We did a lot of research on the world belief in vampirism and myths around the world related to it. Not like Dracula, our vampires are creatures, phantoms and shapeshifters that can blend into the structure’s walls.  We designed the structure with Romanian, neogothic architecture that appears broken and falling apart. This allows you to see the castle as a spirit that could appear and disappear, making it a character in itself.”

If you are interested in the ultimate interactive experience, you will not want to miss Laser Tag The Infection.  You enter a mutant cornfield 14 feet tall with a high tech laser weapon and a mission: to use your laser to tag the infected before they infect you. There are actors and animated creatures throughout the maze, and because you are having an interactive experience, each time you enter the maze, it will be different as you go through.  This is included in your ticket price, but there are also extra cost activities that you won’t want to miss.  There is an hour-long escape game and a ten line zip line tour over Spookywoods.

When asked what he would want people to know about Spookywoods, Joe Harp simply said, “Our aim is to entertain our guest, not just to frighten them.  This is an interactive theatrical experience where characters are specific to each environment that you find them in.  It’s like going to a play, but you have been invited to join the actors on stage and play a part.  It’s the best of theatre and film with elaborate sets, costumes and even smells that make the public feel like they are a part of the experience.” You will not be disappointed.

Spookywoods is open September 28th-November 3rd, Friday through Sunday with a few select Thursdays and, of course, on Halloween.  Hours are Sunday -Thursday 7pm-10pm and Friday-Saturday 7pm-12am. For more information and to buy advance tickets, visit spookywoods.com.


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