Salem Plastic Surgery & Renewal Med Spa – Their Newest Skincare Experience 

photo by JEJ PHOTOS

Not only are you in the most capable hands with the professionals at Salem Plastic Surgery & Renewal Med Spa, but Dr. Scott L. Tucker, Dr. Hampton A. Howell and their team are always eager to embrace the newest, cutting-edge procedures.

Despite the aging process we all face, there are several non-surgical cosmetic procedures available to counteract nature’s plans! Fillers, lasers, peels and cosmetic treatments can smooth lines and wrinkles, raise sunken areas, tighten sagging skin, reduce blemishes, correct uneven pigmentation, minimize the appearance of facial veins and leave you with fresher, glowing, youthful skin. Plus, the very fortunate clients of Renewal Med Spa know the treatments they receive will always be customized especially for them – and always with dignity and confidentiality. 

Plastic Surgeon Dr. Scott Tucker shares the newest innovative treatment in their repertoire. “We just purchased Candela Matrix RF Micro-needling, after much research and trialing of the newest technology,” he explains. “We chose this device because it has the most capabilities and results, in less downtime, and more comfort for the patient than its competitors.” 

The Candela Matrix is a multi-purpose, energy-based platform device designed to customize a treatment designed for every patient. Powered by Dimensional RF, the Matrix system leverages multiple modalities working at up to three depths of the skin, allowing for greater precision than standard micro-needling devices. This allows for a much more comfortable experience.

With a variety of applicators, it works to target different skin needs, including fine lines, wrinkles, scars and volume loss. The Candela Matrix restores skin structure using infrared (IR) and radio frequency (RF) technology to regenerate and build new collagen, while improving overall skin appearance and texture.

The Matrix applicator utilizes the thinnest micro-needles currently on the market, that deliver short pulse (RF) energy to the skin using specialized Depth Technology. This allows for treatment at different skin depths with only one insertion, and is ideal for clients looking for a collagen boost and smoother skin. 

The Sublative applicator stimulates new collagen growth and resurfaces new skin with bipolar (RF) technology – without the use of needles. Instead, this treatment uses fractional energy pulses sent via multi-electrode pins, effectively smoothing wrinkles for an overall refreshed face.  

The best news is that absolutely anyone is a good candidate for Candela Matrix. If you’re being proactive and starting the anti-aging process on still-youthful skin, or if you’re at the stage of “pushing back time” a bit on more mature skin, this is for you! Each treatment will be unique, and expertly fitted to your personal skin needs.

As always, the personable Renewal Med Spa team first consults with clients about their skin goals – arriving at which plan is their best option. With this new treatment, there are two applicators designed to target a variety of skin concerns.  

Jade Simmons, Aesthetic RN, shares that one of the true benefits of this treatment is the minimal downtime you will experience.

“You may be pink afterwards, but your skin should return to normal by the next day,” she adds. What an advantage for busy clients!

For more information on body and skincare treatments at Salem Plastic Surgery & Renewal Med Spa, reach them at 336.768.8483, or visit The practice is located at 1345A Westgate Center Drive in Winston-Salem, a convenient location for busy schedules and even lunchtime appointments! Hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.  Follow them on Instagram @salemplasticsurg and @renewalmedspanc.


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