We’re in the second month of 2025 which is the danger zone for New Year’s goals. Something I’ve previously tried to prevent myself from abandoning my goals by February is to build upon my original goals. However, it was counterintuitive, and I hyperfocused on every little detail and later realized I hadn’t looked back at the initial goals I set and actually strayed far from it. Why am I looking into Facebook ads when I said I would focus on email marketing this quarter? That’s just one example.
It’s easy to get distracted by “shiny object syndrome” because we aren’t staying in our lane and constantly revisiting our goals. Maybe we should write a note to ourselves to put somewhere we’ll see daily, “Stay in your lane!”
The beautiful thing about God’s gifts is He purposefully gives us different ones. If we focus on our strengths, delegate tasks to those who can fulfill them just as well or better and surrender to what only God can do, we will have an easier journey in our businesses.
Stay In Your Business Lane
What role did you envision for yourself when you started your business? If that role brings you joy, and the skills needed to fulfill the role come easily, that is likely your lane. Some business owners and CEOs struggle to trust others with parts of a business because they are emotionally attached to its success. However, you can’t do everything because it is unsustainable and unhealthy. Strive to remove yourself from being a bottleneck in most or even all areas of your business so tasks can be completed. Leaders who are perfectionists or skeptics can hold up the process for business growth because they don’t trust their team to operate freely in their divine gifts. This can create unnecessary friction and create an environment of discouragement. Steer clear from this outcome by fully delegating tasks and being openminded about the outcome of them. Most of the time, it won’t look the same as how you would have done it, but there are multiple ways to achieve a goal. If you don’t yet have team members to help you, make a list of things you want to remove from your plate and begin mentally releasing control of it before your first helper joins.
Stay In Your Industry Lane
It’s okay to look at other businesses or public figures in your industry for inspiration or clarity, but it’s important to focus on what God has called you to do. If not, imposter syndrome creeps in, and you will find yourself distracted by other strategies and tactics that work for other businesses in your industry but may not work for you. An industry that feels crowded is good news because that means there’s a demand for it; and when you add your unique touch, the customers God has assigned to your business will flock to it. Don’t do yourself a disservice by trying to be something you aren’t. In my business, God was calling me to create jewelry, and I wanted to create something never before seen. I thought about different materials from polymer clay to metal, but when I began playing with fabric, I knew that was the material with which I should work. From then, the ideas poured in. I enjoy looking at other artists and marveling over what they create using various materials, but I am careful to remind myself that I have found the material I should work with at this point in my business journey because of ease, circumstances and approval from the customers who support me.
Stay In Your Lane as a Child of God
The phrase, “Let Jesus take the wheel” is a reminder to trust His plan for your life. Don’t make things harder for yourself by trying to take control with no clear direction of where you’re heading. God knows how to reach your destiny with minimal delays. Is it difficult to stay on the passenger side? Yes. Is it nerve wracking? Most of the time. But, is it the best choice? Without a doubt. God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you…” God gives you an easy ride to prosperity just by accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. If you get comfortable with God steering your life, you’ll find unwavering peace because His job is to get you to your destination, and He knows the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10).
Rest assured, goal getter, when you stay in your lane, you’ll accomplish your goals faster. So, keep praying for God to help you in this area, put in the work and revisit your original goals often! I have faith in you.
Sheridan C. Watkins is a journalist and the owner of Perennial Peaces, a jewelry and gifts brand focused on transcending self worth to all women. Her true work began after climbing out of a dark place with the help of God and therapy, and her life mission is to provide tangible peace through her Divine gifts to help women heal and transform their lives. Follow the mission on Instagram and Facebook: @perennialpeaces.