By Kim Smith
Did you know that the fastest growing group of people having cosmetic surgery today are men? The doctors at Forsyth Plastic Surgery have a lot to offer men, and maybe it’s time you suggest to that special man in your life that he visit Forsyth Plastic Surgery.
Here are five procedures that you might recommend to a man, or even give as a gift.
“Although many women are bothered by unwanted hair, men are also bothered by hair,” says Dr. John Fagg, a physician at Forsyth Plastic Surgery. “We see a lot of men who want the hair on their back lasered, or maybe their chest also.”
Dr. Fagg says that laser hair removal is safe and effective, and after several treatments with their state of the art laser, hair is drastically reduced. “We usually space the treatments about six weeks apart, and recommend that patients plan on at least three treatments for maximum result. Men who have their backs treated are thrilled,” says Dr. Fagg, “and often feel much more confident at the beach or the pool.”
MiraDry is one of the newest procedures at Forsyth Plastic Surgery, and men are already making up a large percentage of patients for this revolutionary treatment.
“We are the only ones in the area to offer MiraDry, and it does an incredible job of virtually eliminating underarm sweating and odor with usually just one session,” says Dr. Andy Schneider, also a surgeon at Forsyth Plastic Surgery.
“When the sweat glands no longer function, you no longer sweat, make odor, or stain your clothing. This is terrific for men who ruin their sports shirts with underarm stains, and they feel more confident at work taking off their coats in the summer. We are excited that men (and women) now have a solution for persistent sweating that is both affordable, safe and effective.”
Although men’s bodies do not undergo the changes that women experience with childbirth, many men are self-conscious about their physique. Whether it be “love handles,” a “spare tire,” or a little too much “gut,” men also want to look and feel fit. But often they don’t want surgery.
“CoolSculpting is the number one non-surgical fat reduction treatment in the world,” explains Dr. Gil Kingman. “Men often don’t want any downtime, and they want something that is quick and effective. CoolSculpting destroys fat cells without any cutting or anesthesia. It can make men feel more comfortable in their swimsuits or just feel better about their bodies.”
Kybella is an injection that treats the fat under the chin – the dreaded “double chin.”
“Men often are wearing a tight collar at the office, and the double chin can be both uncomfortable in clothing and make them feel uncomfortable with their appearance,” says Dr. George Lawson of Forsyth Plastic Surgery. “We now can treat the double chin with a simple injection that dissolves the fat and creates a more defined neck for our male and female patients.”
Dr. Lawson explains that often two injections are needed, spaced about six weeks apart, and that patients start to see the results in just a few weeks. “Our patients can return to work the next day.”
Nothing makes men leave their shirts on during the summer more than “man boobs,” or what surgeons call gynecomastia.
“This is very common, and many times men are embarrassed to go to the beach or the pool,” says Dr. Leslie Branch, the newest surgeon at Forsyth Plastic Surgery. “Reducing the male breast so that it looks more normal can literally be life-changing.”
Dr. Branch says that male breast reduction usually does involve surgery, but often men can be back to a normal routine in just a few days. “We often use a combination of liposuction and tiny incisions, so the scars are minimal.”
If you would like more information on these procedures, contact Forsyth Plastic Surgery at 336-765-8620 or visit And remember, these procedures make great gifts for the special guy in your life!