Like all significant decisions in life that create time markers, markers you reference other dates and events from, retirement has to be at the top of the list. You’re either already there, planning what to do when you get there, or so far away you’re not even thinking about it. If you’re so far away you’re not thinking about it, be thankful that your body doesn’t require 5 minutes of habitual stretching every morning before loosening up enough to brush your teeth. That said, planning for retirement applies to everyone previously mentioned.
If you’re on the cusp of retirement, you’ve planned at least a bit of what you’ll do, probably enough to fill up the first six months. Financials have been sorted for the most part, and how your days will unfold has been sketched out. Whether you’ll work here and there, visit friends and family, or take trips you’ve always dreamed of. Even with all those things to do while soaking up a new season in life, planning shouldn’t end. It’s essential not only for direction but for the landing.
Retirement is a goal, though not the end of our goals. We all want to maintain a healthy and fun lifestyle throughout our senior years, though how we do that will change. Prioritizing time and placing value on the quality of time will put things in perspective. Spending less time on burdensome chores such as home maintenance, excessive yard work, and even cooking frees up time and energy for doing those things we want.
As we navigate life’s many twists and turns, we’re often faced with making quick decisions. In those moments, we plan according to the present, not always considering future ripple effects. Long-term decisions require careful thought and a bit more time to develop. It’s helpful to have an open dialogue about these decisions with the people who are most important to you. You’ll likely receive sound advice and a dash of reassurance. Everything down to health care, savings, and inheritance should be on the table. Some of these topics considered to be off-limits are, in fact, some of the most important. Spending a year abroad, moving to a retirement community, and leaving behind money for grandchildren’s college all require planning.
Health issues are one of the primary decision drivers during retirement years, often reactive versus proactive. Fortunately, senior living has dramatically changed in the past several decades. As retirement communities continue to evolve and adapt to their members’ desires, they’ve become quite different from those our grandparents knew. Activities, wellness, dining options, and accommodations have changed for the better. Keeping spouses and partners together longer is standard. Maintaining independence is vital.
Homestead Hills, a luxury life plan retirement community in Winston-Salem, has led innovative change in the senior living industry for over 25 years. Their “People First, Always” guiding principle speaks to their dedication to delivering quality services and amenities. Homestead Hills is unique in that it offers a variety of living spaces, including 2- and 3-bedroom cottage homes and villa apartments in 1-, 2-, and 3-bedroom options, in addition to an array of on-site care services. Homestead Hills celebrates the transitions in retirement.
Whether preparing to explore new countries and cities or moving to a retirement community, find your perfect retirement by planning, discussing, and doing!
For more information on Homestead Hills, visit the website at, or speak to a Lifestyle Advisor at (336) 770-2024.