Purpose Push: Becoming Great 

We all want to be great. Most of us want to be remembered for doing something impactful that changed lives before leaving Earth. The hard part is knowing if we’re becoming great through God’s or society’s approval. It’s important to dissect the Word and glean characteristics from those we consider spiritually great. Despite their many […]

Purpose Push: The Heart of Your Business

There are certain things we rarely feel like doing, yet we do them anyway. What are those things for you? It could be taking your kids to school, but you know if they don’t go, they won’t receive the education they deserve and you love them too much for that to happen. So, in this […]

Purpose Push: Which Fear Will You Choose? 

Fear is an experience that happens in your mind but triggers a physical reaction in your body.  We won’t know the true reason we were chosen to have an earthly experience until we meet our Creator, but we know we were born into a sinful world. Once the pureness of God’s creation was met with […]

Purpose Push: Active Listening

Welcome to my unplanned two-part series. Last month, we talked about “Divine Communication” and how it’s important to communicate with love and respect. However, there’s a precursor for that method to be effective – active listening. Have you ever noticed the wisest person in the room is usually not the loudest? To gain wisdom, you […]

Purpose Push: Divine Communication

How well do you communicate with those around you? Effective communication is the glue that holds a business together. Every person and role in your business should have clear channels of communication with each other and with you. If retention is important, remaining receptive to feedback and creating an environment that encourages your team to […]

Purpose Push: Cultivating Love in Your Business

I have had many jobs and experienced many work environments in my adult life. Though hopping from job to job has limitations, these experiences helped me realize what I want and don’t want to bring into my company culture as it grows. From too relaxed to too restricting, there’s something to learn from every place […]

Purpose Push: From Resolutions to Results

Happy New Year, Boss! I hope you’ve arrived at a place where the New Year doesn’t incite overwhelm in your spirit. The New Year can be viewed as a marker to track history and growth – it’s not something to stress about. If you had goals you didn’t attain before 2024, reflect on your effort […]

Purpose Push: Are You Aligned? 

As we get ready for the New Year, we can experience a multitude of emotions, from excitement to anxiousness to being nonchalant. I believe how we feel about the New Year, along with any other milestones, is an indicator of how aligned we are with our life’s purpose. From what I’ve experienced and observed in […]

Purpose Push: Peace Over Everything

Did you know the opposite of peace is not chaos, but fear? When we aren’t sure about certain things in our lives, whether big or small, it can cause us to stress over the future, which disrupts our peace.  Have you ever tried to complete a work-related task in the middle of family or friend […]

Purpose Push: Intention isn’t enough 

In June, I wrote about us as boss women being intentioned for greatness. That is true because God is within us and He has a carefully crafted plan for our lives if we would just lean into who we were born to be.  This month, I want to talk about our intentions. We can all […]

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