Making Dollars. Making Sense: The Long Term Care Dilemma

As our business and our clients mature, so do the topics that tend to take center stage in client reviews and discussions. Over the past several years, the topic of health care later in retirement, by way of moving to a retirement community or to some type of care facility, is a more frequent discussion. The fact is that the […]

Making Dollars Making Sense; Retirees, What’s Your Withdrawal Strategy?

When planning for retirement, we often focus on the accumulation phase – saving diligently and investing wisely. We spend 40 or more years of our lives focused on building the proverbial “nest egg,” but, after retirement, things change and so should our financial focus.  There are a variety of questions that must be answered. How […]

How a Financial Advisor Can Help Lower Your Tax Bill

Tax planning is a vital part of any wealth management strategy, but reducing your tax burden is not always a straightforward process, especially for individuals with more complicated returns. Careful planning can help minimize your tax liability leaving you with more money to further your financial goals.  Tax planning is not just something you think […]

Making Dollars, Making Sense: Protect Your Children From Their Inheritance

Wealthy families often find themselves grappling with how to effectively pass along assets to their children while ensuring those children are ready for the responsibility. As we tread towards the largest generational wealth transfer in history, there is a growing need to ensure those inheriting the assets are adequately prepared to handle them.  There are […]

Answering Your Kids Toughest Money Questions

Kids ask tough questions about money. It’s how they learn. As a parent, these are teachable moments that offer a chance to impart some financial wisdom to them. Start by asking them questions for clarification. After all, “Why does a lawyer always answer a question with a question?” Answer: “Why shouldn’t a lawyer answer a […]

3 Lesser-Known Milestones as you Enter Retirement

As you may already be aware, the earliest someone can begin drawing Social Security benefits is at age 62. As you enter the red zone for retirement or, perhaps, are already retired, I want to share three less common retirement age milestones that are important pieces of your overall financial plan. The first of these […]

Making Dollars, Making $ense: What’s My Number?

Our team has the pleasure of engaging in life planning conversations with clients and potential clients often. We consider this trust a great privilege. One of the most rewarding aspects of our role as financial advisors is helping folks determine their “number.” A recent conversation with a potential client comes to mind. In the initial […]

Nurturing Generational Wealth: Passing on More Than Money

In the realm of affluent families, securing a financial legacy is a common objective. It’s not merely about transferring wealth; it’s about imparting values, an endeavor that comes with its own set of complexities. Drawing from my experience as a financial advisor, let’s explore this vital issue. One concern commonly voiced by affluent parents and […]

The Importance of Multiple Buckets

We save money for different purposes: retirement, travel, unexpected expenses, home renovations, etc. Here at Marzano Capital Group, we are big proponents of the “multiple bucket approach.”  Different buckets (or savings vehicles) should be used for different purposes.  Here are the different buckets I am referring to: Emergency Fund – There is no exact science […]

Challenges with the Mindset Shift: A Common Experience for Retirees

Our office has the privilege of not only managing client assets, but coaching folks through life milestones. I personally have met with a few clients recently that have been experiencing what we call, “challenges with the mindset shift.” Most investors we work with invest 30 plus years to accumulate and build their family’s net worth. […]

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