What Are You Clinging to in This New Year?

photos by:  JODIE BRIM CREATIVE I don’t know about you, but back in my dating days (WAY BACK!), one thing drove me berserk: clinginess. If the guy got too needy, […]

Keeping it Real; My Self-Righteous Mantra

photos by:  JODIE BRIM CREATIVE Sprinting toward the checkout, I flung my items on the counter. I concealed my hurriedness, exchanging pleasantries with the lady at the register. She scanned […]

Keeping it Real; Where Do I Belong?

photos by:  JODIE BRIM CREATIVE Is it just me, or are we walking among a sea of people who don’t know who they are or where they belong?  I honestly […]

Burn Your Boats!

photos by:  JODIE BRIM CREATIVE YOU WERE BORN FOR GREATNESS!  I know, I know, you’ve heard that before. Reality is, you’ve likely heard this Truth so often that it doesn’t […]

Stay in the Fight!

photos by:  JODIE BRIM CREATIVE I talk to so many people in a day who fight for things that seem so ridiculously out of reach. Just maybe, I’m talking to […]

Can You Do it in the Dark?

photos by:  JODIE BRIM CREATIVE The craziness around us seems to keep ramping up, doesn’t it? If we’re not facing REALLY hard things, then certainly we’re watching people we love […]

Keeping it Real – Is God Real?

photos by:  JODIE BRIM CREATIVE Is God real? Inquiring minds want to know!  Even those, ESPECIALLY THOSE, who deny God’s existence secretly contemplate this as they reach the end of […]

I Remember!

photography by JODIE BRIM CREATIVE Those school pictures from back in the day run together, don’t they? I can’t for the life of me decipher which grade each one represents […]

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