I don’t know about you, but back in my dating days (WAY BACK!), one thing drove me berserk: clinginess. If the guy got too needy, I was out of there! It felt suffocating!
Just ask my husband. He knew from the beginning that we were supposed to be together. Upon meeting my mama, the FIRST words out of his mouth were, “I’m going to marry your daughter.” It kind of freaked her out! It freaked me out, too!
He was wise enough to know long before I discerned it. I’m so glad he did. Now, we cling to each other. Our love won’t let go. He’s the ONLY one for me!
Back to the clinginess thing. I LOVE to help people. I spend my life doing this most meaningful work. But, when folks are determined to remain needy with no desire to change, I move right along. I can’t help those who do not want to help themselves. Perpetual codependency is NOT attractive or healthy for anyone in the equation. Depending upon any mere human to fix us enables helplessness that only keeps us stuck.
Speaking of staying stuck, life itself has a way of keeping us too distracted for extended time with Jesus. But, the moment situations go sideways, and we feel out of options, we rush into survival mode. It’s chaotic when you don’t even know from which direction the sniper is shooting! How do you defend yourself from such an ambush? Rounds erupt from every side, and you feel like you’re going down for the count! Ever been there? Of course, you have!
When the shrapnel starts flying, I run to the ONLY ONE that has the PLAN AND the POWER to rescue me. I cling to Jesus with a desperation that recognizes if He doesn’t come through, I won’t make it to the other side!
This approach is not weakness. It’s maturity. It’s understanding that our expertise and experience prove useless in the face of life’s difficulties. We need Jesus for every decision, every situation, every response, every breath! Whether we acknowledge it or not, we live completely dependent upon HIM!
As The LORD conversed with Moses (He wants to do the same with us!), He said, “Love the LORD your God, obey His Voice and CLING!” (Deuteronomy 30:20)
Y’all, our clinging does not bother God. He desires this oneness! He knows our fragility better than we do. He knows infinitely and intimately that we were made for Him, and our hearts stay restless until they find their home IN HIM!
Our happiness and healthy living will only come through complete dependence upon the One who holds us AND every answer we need! (NO HUMAN can EVER become this for you!)
It’s fascinating to me that Mary Magdalene was the last person at Jesus’ tomb. She clung, even to His dead body that could seemingly provide nothing in return. She was also the very first person to visit Jesus’ tomb three days later, only to discover He no longer laid bound by death or the grave.
Consider this! Because Mary Magdalene was the last one to remain with Jesus and the first to show up that Resurrection morning (though she had no clue that Jesus was getting up!), Jesus revealed Himself FIRST to the one who clung to Him the MOST!
I tell you; Jesus loves it when His children cling to Him for dear life! This clinging does not foster helplessness…it creates a oneness that delights Him and empowers us! Friend, He rewards those who cling!
To what are you cleaving as you step into this new year? To WHOM are you clinging? When the sniper of your soul targets you with shrapnel from every direction, no thing and no one can protect you like Jesus! NO ONE!
LORD, “My soul CLINGS to YOU; Your right Hand upholds me!” (Psalm 63:8)
For comments or prayer, please contact Dr. Lanier at