Publisher Perspective – July 2024

photo by Jodie Brim Creative  While recording a podcast a few days ago, I had a powerful conversation with one of our writers, Debbie Barr. Debbie recently published four books (yes, FOUR), and one of them is on the topic of overwhelm. We chatted about how life feels more overwhelming than ever these days, and […]

Publisher Perspective – June 2024

photo by:  JODIE BRIM CREATIVE As a small business owner, the lessons are endless. Recently, I’ve noticed how people express themselves differently online versus in person – a topic worth reflecting on. Before hitting send, consider whether your message aligns with your values when you are in a neutral emotional state. Remember, as someone once […]

The Publisher Perspective – May 2024

photos by:  JODIE BRIM CREATIVE Did you know May is mental Health Month? As someone who has personally struggled with my mental health, I believe it’s crucial to continue raising awareness about this significant issue. While I am happy to see the stigma surrounding anxiety and depression medication slowly fading, I recognize that there’s still […]

Publisher Perspective; April 2024

photography by JODIE BRIM CREATIVE Happy April!  Our team is thrilled to bring you the April 2024 issue of Forsyth Woman! Our mission is to connect our community, and we achieve this by helping small businesses share their stories – we believe everyone has a story worth sharing. This issue is packed with content you […]

The Publisher Perspective

photography by MEGAN BLACK PHOTOGRAPHY March is a BIG month in the Forsyth Woman world! First and foremost, March is Women’s History Month – the month where we celebrate all the incredible contributions women have made in our country’s history. As Laurel Thatcher Ulrich famously said, “Well-behaved women seldom make history.” I think about this […]

The Publisher’s Perspective

photography by PHOTO ARTISTRY BY MELINDA Have you heard the saying “sky before screens?” It’s simple. Step outside and get some morning sunlight before you look at any sort of screen, whether it be the TV, your phone or computer screen. I will admit, this will be much easier when the sun starts to rise […]

Brooke Notes: The Publisher’s Perspective

photo by JODIE BRIM CREATIVE Happy New Year!! I love the fresh start of a new year – it always feels so exciting! While I was struggling to sleep last night, I had an epiphany. An “ah-ha!” moment, if you will. A nutritionist I’ve been following on Instagram for a while has a neat philosophy […]

Brooke Notes: Publisher’s Perspective

With December being the last month of the year, I always like to find a few moments to reflect. 2023 had its ups and downs, but I’m grateful that the highs significantly outweighed the lows. This was a big year of growth for me and I’m proud of the changes I’ve made since January.  A […]

Brooke Notes: Publisher’s Perspective

photo by JODIE BRIM CREATIVE November 13th is “World Kindness Day,” and I think we could all stand to be a little more kind. Whether it’s when someone cuts you off while driving or the tone in your response to a coworker, kindness is always the right choice. Jean Marie wrote a fabulous article on […]

Brooke Notes: The Publisher’s Perspective

photo by CARRIE ALLEN A couple of months ago, I started going for a walk every single (weekday) morning. I wake up, enjoy my cup of coffee and head out to take my two dogs on an hour long walk. The best part? My mom does it with me! She doesn’t live nearby, so we […]

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