Do you ever run across things that you’ve written in the past and cringe at how it reads? Maybe it’s a journal entry or a diary. Maybe it’s a Facebook post memory. I have had this happen to me many times. Thank goodness our online magazine archives don’t go back 17 years – I’d be mortified if the public could easily access articles I wrote back in high school and college.
I’ve heard authors say this many times. The first book they wrote? They can’t stand to read it. Why does this happen? Because, as authors, they grow tremendously with each published book. I’d bet most authors would agree that their 5th book is way better than the first. This applies to so many other things in life. A professional baseball player likely didn’t have the game of his life during high school. A photographer doesn’t take the best photo of his or her career with the first camera ever purchased. You get better at things the more you do them!
Contrary to popular belief (and the highlight reel that we call “social media”), no one starts right out of the gate doing something perfectly. I have this topic on my mind because often I’ll get frustrated with myself when I can’t do things perfectly the first time. We must remind ourselves that practice makes progress with just about everything in life.
What’s something you are aiming improve? Maybe it’s a sport or hobby. Maybe it’s something specific to your career. This is your public service announcement that YOU GOT THIS! Whatever it may be…I believe in you.
Our team is so proud to bring you our November issue! Our mission continues – to be a positively inspired, community-focused magazine. We love keeping our community connected! One of my favorite things to hear is when readers tell us they “always see someone they know” in every issue of Forsyth Woman. Whether it’s a business owner they know, a writer or a friend pictured at one of our events, we love to hear it!
A few special highlights in this issue:
- Small Business Saturday at Accent Prone! Make sure to visit ALL of your favorite local shops on Small Business Saturday on November 26th!
- This month, we’ve featured MidTown Cafe and Dessertery on the cover! If you haven’t been lately, they’ve done a fabulous renovation! If you need a dessert for the holidays, they are already taking preorders!
- I’m so proud to announce that my brother has officially started a column! While neither of my parents are too big on cooking, somehow they have a son who is a beyond amazing chef. Check out the 919 Backyard BBQ column.
- One more brand-new column in this issue! Clean Living with Coach Jane. She kicked things off with a topic I absolutely love – the health benefits of gratitude!
I’d like to close with a huge “thank you” to our graphic designer, Aron Daniels. This issue marks his last with us after many years. While we’re so happy for him and where he’s headed, we are certainly going to miss him. Aron, THANK YOU for sharing our passion and playing such an important role on our team. We’re excited to welcome a new designer to our team, Stefanie!
Wishing you a November filled with gratitude,