Yes, And: Using Improv’s Favorite Phrase to Better Your Life

BY JEN OLENICZAK BROWN What’s the first thing you think of when you think of the word “improv”? Chances are, your brain went to something funny, maybe a comic or the show “Whose Line is it Anyway?” Maybe you’ve experienced a teambuilding with work, or taken a professional development class and know it has skills […]

ReDESIGNS by Ava: Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

“Great spaces do not happen by accident. Some people have a gift for putting together rooms in a way that is pleasing to the eye, as well as functional.  However, most people struggle with this.  It seems so easy, but still, they cannot make it happen.” ~ Elinor Ellefson Women think they should be able to […]

The Future is Four Years Old

Back in April, Forsyth County community leaders from the private, public and non-profit sectors, convened by Family Services, collaborated to launch the Pre-K Priority, whose mission is to advocate for high-quality early education for every four-year-old in Forsyth County. On Saturday, August 24th, community members saw the official kickoff of the Pre-K Priority public awareness […]

Speaking Kindness: How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy

We teach our children to treat others the way we would want to be treated, and yet the reality is that many women struggle showing themselves the love and respect that they would show their own neighbor. Living in a world that is consumed by things like outward appearance, the pressure to succeed and a social […]

Mainstream Boutique

BY JEN OLENICZAK BROWN Raise your hand if you’ve walked out of a store and felt better than when you walked in because of the staff and experience? Keep them up if it’s in your community. Now, still keep them up if this store is a clothing store. This is the trifecta, right? I’m willing […]

Conversations with My BFF: Is It Possible to Do Absolutely Nothing?

BY REBECCA COOPER   Addressing a subject I have a daily battle with myself is hard. I am a Type A, perfectionist, overachiever, often stressed, occasionally exhausted woman. Literally, I got tired just typing that statement. So if you, too, share those productive, yet tiring traits, how can you shift focus on doing absolutely nothing […]

Goldman Center for Facial Plastic Surgery Facing forward with confidence!

Dr. Neal Goldman knew at the tender age of five that he wanted to be a doctor. Even so young, he saw purpose and passion in helping others, which launched a life-long commitment that shows in every aspect of his popular practice – Goldman Center for Facial Plastic Surgery. With an office in Winston-Salem, NC, […]

Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose

When an item in your home has run its course, what do you do with the item? Do you donate it, give it to a friend, or even throw it in the trash? Instead of getting rid of these items, have you ever considered keeping and then updating them for another purpose? The art of […]

Susan Braden: The Woman Behind “Because I Can, Sir”

In March 2015, Susan Braden heard the words no one wants to hear, “You have cancer.” After the initial shock of learning that she had cholangiocarcinoma, Susan’s determined spirit and creative drive were set in motion. She found a way to give her cancer a purpose and to inspire others. It started with her journal. […]

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