1200 Happy Kids & 2400 Happy Feet!

This year, 1200 local elementary school kids are starting the school year off right!   On August 24th, The Big Fit rolled into Petree and Mineral Springs Elementary Schools to outfit the students with brand new running shoes. The Big Fit is the largest shoe fitting project of the year for local shoe charity, Mission: Feet […]

Express Oil Change & Tire Engineers Dedicated to Superior Auto Maintenance and Repair

“Locally owned and operated,” “Community service-oriented,” “Faith-based,” and “Family/Pet-friendly.” These are apt descriptions of Express Oil Change & Tire Engineers, owned and operated in Winston-Salem and Clemmons by Gary and Rebecca Howorka. Throughout their ten years in business, the Howorkas have experienced significant growth while becoming strong supporters of their community. Their success led them […]

Overcoming Gaps: A Three Part Series, Part 3 Education Gap

BY JEN OLENICZAK BROWN “As soon as girls enter school, they are underestimated.” ~Joseph P. Robinson-Cimpian Researcher Joseph P. Robinson-Cimpian has studied gender achievement, also known as the Education Gap, for over a decade, and this statement in one of his studies encompasses the general outcome of this particular gap. With his colleague Sarah Lubienski, […]

2 Pigs & a Pup Heartfelt Pet Care

Tracy Burke, owner of the specialty pet sitting business, 2 Pigs & a Pup, has loved animals her whole life. She grew up as an only child and her pets were like siblings to her. She not only enjoyed the company of cats and dogs, but also exotic animals like dwarf goats, guinea pigs, and […]

How Do You Like Your Eggs?

Breakfast fanatics know all the essential minerals, vitamins, and proteins come from the egg, regardless whether the shell is white, a variation of brown, bespeckled pink, blue, or blue-green.  Contrary to popular belief, color has no relevance to an egg’s nutritional value or flavor, shell thickness or cooking characteristics.  While shoppers often select a carton […]

Vicarious Living

Everyone is born with a longing to do something incredible with their lives, whether it’s pursuing a career, traveling the world, starting their own business, or even getting married and starting a family. But sometimes, we are guilty of having these emotional experiences through other people. This is called vicarious living—when we gain emotional excitement […]

Scotty P’s Big Mug Coffee

As I’ve grown up, gotten married and had children, I have spent a lot of time interacting with companies nationwide about different products from clothing to appliances, diapers to furniture…there is no real standard when it comes to customer service. Some companies are great at it, and others are not. The extremely general consensus is […]

Bladder Health

BY JAMIE LOBER The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention define the bladder as a balloon-shaped organ in your lower abdomen near the pelvis that stores urine from the kidneys until it is passed out of the body.  Bladder health affects all Forsyth women at some point in their life.  As you age, the bladder […]

Dr. Renee Healing Art

BY JEN OLENICZAK BROWN Think about the last time you went to the doctor’s office. How did you feel? Were you nervous, anxious or tired? Next question: what was on the walls? The same boring landscape work, or something you wish you could touch, something that got you closer, that made you feel good because […]

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