
BY JAMIE LOBER Acne is caused by overactive glands in the skin.  The skin makes an oil called sebum, and when there is too much sebum, the pores get clogged, and you have acne, sometimes referred to as pimples.  In young women, hormones and the menstrual cycle may be to blame.  Typically women notice acne […]

Rosey’s Review: Ryan’s Restaurant

Ryan’s Restaurant 719 Coliseum Drive • Winston-Salem 336.724.6132 • For the Winston-Salem native, Ryan’s Restaurant is synonymous with exceptional cuisine, class, and elegance.  For over 40 years, the restaurant has built a stellar reputation, so naturally, when Ryan’s Restaurant shows up on my to-review list, I do a happy dance! Because there’s no wondering about – […]

Summit Eye Care: Sun Protection For The Eyes

Summer is in full swing, the days are longer, the sun is hotter, the beach is calling, and out comes the sunscreen. We lather up for full-body protection, but wait!  What about our eyes? Did you know that it’s just as important to protect your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays as it is to […]

The Joy of Grown Children The Bright Light at the End of the Parenting Tunnel

You did it! You raised your children to adulthood without going stark raving crazy. Congratulations! All the sleepless nights, rushing around, chauffeuring to countless activities, missed opportunities, school morning dramas, homework, school forms, PTA meetings, skinned knees, general worrying and the heart to heart talks over childhood disappointments. Whew! And now the result? Adult children […]

Thrift Store Chic

Walking around the Urbn Grl gift shop in downtown Winston-Salem, there is a rack of distressed shirts that catches the eye of almost every patron of the store. This rack is constantly being updated and changed out as the pieces sell, and they are never the same. The mastermind of these wearable art pieces is […]

Bowl Full of Berry-licious Berries Boasts Bountiful Benefits!

Start your morning off with a bountiful bowl full of berries with many healthy varieties – the more kinds, the merrier! There are so many ways to serve berries while exploring their many health benefits. Try them atop cold or hot cereals including granola or oatmeal, blend them together in a splendid smoothie with some […]

The Basics of “Baby Botox” and the Magic Mesotherapy

It was just back in 2014 that the stunning Robin Wright, star of “The Princess Bride” and Netflix’s “House of Cards,” went on the record about Botox. The difference for her? Saying no to the frozen look so common in Hollywood. “It’s just the tiniest sprinkle of Botox twice a year,” Wright said and admitted […]

Constructing Outdoor Dreams: Beautifying the Exterior with Foliage

The simple desire to buy a few trees, shrubs, and established flowers instantly changes the moment you enter an outdoor nursery.  Specific botanical names and price tags can end your longing to make a purchase as soon rows of brightly-colored, small to tall foliage are in sight; therefore, return to your vehicle, drop off your […]

6th Sense Health & Wellness CenterL Healing for Life

Since 1997, the professionals at 6th Sense Health & Wellness Center have guided clients on their health and wellness journeys, using an array of results-based holistic wellness practices. Through massage, acupuncture, healthy weight management, and nutritional counseling, the 6th Sense team strives to counteract the effects of day-to-day stress, injuries, and overall body pain, while […]

Writers Who Read: Summer Favorites

As of Friday, June 21, it is officially summer. Time for trips to the pool, beach, and outdoor adventures. For many people, relaxing on the beach, by the pool, or just sitting outside is not complete without a good book. I am one of those people. My book choices during the warmer months consist of […]

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