Could You Be an Ambivert?

One day at work, my coworkers and I were discussing personality traits. I told the group that I didn’t seem to fit neatly into either the introvert category or the extrovert category. One coworker, a professional counselor, said, “You’re an ambivert.” Ambivert? I learned a new word that day and immediately began researching. I discovered […]

Why Diets Don’t Work for Me

By Madison Skakle I’ve never been one to go on a diet or believe in diets. To me, the term “diet” is a temporary term and not good for sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Why diet when you can change your lifestyle to be sustainable and healthy for you, both mentally and physically? Here are the […]

Camel City Creates: Metalsmith Artist Annie Grimes Williams

Local metalsmith and jewelry artist Annie Grimes Williams, owner and creator at CopperTide Fine Metalwork & Enameling, creates beautiful wearable works of art. She transforms copper into a rainbow of jewelry using traditional metalsmithing techniques, such as shell forming, piercing and enameling. You might find Annie hard at work in her home studio late at […]

The Ultimate Winter Comfort Food: Brunswick Stew

Have you ever attended an outdoor gathering where stew was made in a 25-gallon caldron and stirred with a four-foot wooden spoon? The experience will be as interesting as the people, all seated in folding chairs cupping a bowl of homemade goodness. With the first taste, the mind is comforted by warmth, good flavor, and […]

The New Forsyth County Central Library: A Library of the 21st-Century

There is something exciting about walking into a library. With all the books, creative spaces, and programs, the building can open up a world of opportunities. Within our area, we have several libraries where people can discover the world around them, and one of those spaces has just been recently renovated. The Forsyth County Central […]

Keeping It Real: Loyal To My Future!

For a minute, hit the pause button on the post-Christmas crazy. Are you paused? Now deeply ponder this question: “What would your life look like right now if fear had not driven any of your decisions?” I’m talking to YOU! If fear never swayed your judgment, how different would your life be at this moment? […]

The ABCs of Vitamins

BY TABATHA RENEGAR Many of us grew up with our parents giving us a Flintstone chewable vitamin to start our day. They were strange little things – not quite as tasty as candy but the tart sweetness that claimed to also be good for us made them irresistible! Then, at some point in our early […]

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