Brooke Notes: The Publisher’s Perspective

Did you know that almost two thirds of Americans with Alzheimer’s are women? 

Did you know that at age 70, seniors living with Alzheimer’s are twice as likely to die before age 80 than those who do not have the disease? 

(statistics from 

Alzheimer’s and Brain awareness month is observed in June and it’s a subject near and dear to me. My papaw passed away in 2019 with undiagnosed Alzheimer’s and my great grandmother also suffered from this awful disease. Alzheimer’s is a progressive form of dementia and is not a normal part of aging. What can be done to reduce your risk? 

  • Maintain a healthy weight 
  • Be physically active
  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid excessive drinking 
  • Get enough sleep


Maintaining and nurturing social relationships, keeping your brain active, and continuing to learn new skills are also things that research continues to show may lower your risk of cognitive decline. If you’ve been neglecting spending enough quality time with your family and friends, this is your sign to make it a priority! Your brain will thank you. 

Speaking of quality time with friends—we have an extra special Girls’ Night Out event coming up on Wednesday June 7th at ROAR! 4 floors to explore with multiple dining options and gaming, including boutique bowling, virtual golf and interactive mini golf! Be sure to sign up for our newsletter (here on our website) so you can receive our monthly GNO email reminders! 

While I’d strongly encourage you to read this issue cover-to-cover (it’s a pretty good issue in my unbiased opinion!), I would like to mention a few highlights: 

With Father’s Day coming up this month, I have to wish my dad (aka Teej) a very happy Father’s Day! I got my blue eyes from him, as well as my strong aversion to asking for help. Ha! Relationships with parents are different after you’ve been through a near-death experience with them. We thought we  had lost my dad in 2019 after he had a massive stroke. It was no doubt the scariest phone call I’ve ever gotten. While I wouldn’t wish the experience on anyone, I am extremely grateful for every minute I am able to spend with him. 

I know Father’s Day isn’t a happy day for everyone though. If you are struggling this year, I’d encourage you to read the Father’s Day Healing article

As always, we love to hear from you! You can email comments or concerns to me at [email protected] 

All my best, 



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