Three Marketing Tips for Female Entrepreneurs – These Three “sh’s” Are So Important for Female Business Owners to Implement in Their Marketing Efforts 

Being an entrepreneur is tough. Being a female entrepreneur is even tougher. As women, we are typically juggling so many things outside of our businesses, such as kids, a spouse or partner, and endless appointments and errands. That means, on occasion, it is easy to get overwhelmed and drop one of the many balls we juggle. 

Marketing is often one of those things that so many entrepreneurs and small business owners tend to put on the back burner. The truth is, it’s one of the single most important aspects of your business. That is because, without marketing, your business won’t be able to grow to its full potential!

As a marketing professional, I wanted to share three marketing tips for female entrepreneurs to build up their businesses. Below are three “sh’s” every businesswoman needs to hear and implement! 

Tip 1 – Show Your Face

Outside of actresses and models, the majority of women do not like having their photo taken and certainly not videos. I mean have you ever noticed “mom” is always the one taking the photos and not usually in them? Confession time…who else feels they have to have their hair or makeup look good or the right outfit on before entertaining being in the photo? 

However, your customers want to see you! While they are technically purchasing your service and products, it’s you that pulls them in to see what you have to offer. People connect with people and their stories – not things, even if that thing is a product or service they need.  

That means you need to have posts and reels on your social media that show your face. A brand photography session and getting hair and makeup done for those photos is a great idea to have photos to share of yourself. If you have a day you are feeling especially good about your looks, then take advantage of it. Go ahead and grab a few video clips you can use throughout the month for your social media.

Tip 2 – Shout Out Your Achievements

I’m not sure why, but it seems like most women either don’t like or don’t feel comfortable sharing their achievements and victories. However, not only does your customer base want to celebrate those with you, but it’s a great way to give you or your business third-party verification. 

Next time you win an award, get featured in an article or whatever the achievement may be, be sure to share it and own it on your social media and even to your email list. Even something seemingly small is a major victory if it has meaning to you and makes you feel proud. Yes, it’s okay to feel pride when you’ve worked so hard for something!  

Tip 3 – Share Your Testimonials

How often do you hear good things about your business and/or services/products? Likely often. How often do you share those raves? Probably not often. 

There is no stronger marketing than word-of-mouth. Testimonials are just that. Next time you receive those words, post it as a review on your website or in a graphic on your social media. Even better, next time someone says those things, ask them to review your business on Google or Facebook! There is no shame in asking someone for a review, in fact, it’s a true business necessity. 

I hope these three “sh” marketing tips help you and your business!


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