The ART Beat of Forsyth Woman – A Monthly Column That Keeps its Finger on the Pulse of Forsyth’s Artists and Their Inspiring Stories 

This month’s featured creator, Jazmine Moore, taps into her perseverance and strength to capture works of art that hold a collection of emotions bringing beauty and healing to the observer. 

Jazmine Moore  | Mixed Media Artist, Author & Up-and-Coming Muralist 

How would you describe your work?

My artwork is unique, uplifting, mystical and meaningful. My passion for nature, the anatomy of faces, my spirituality and the unknowns of this world greatly influences my artwork. I use acrylic and many mixed media elements of the Earth such as crystals, beads, herbs and oils to create my 3D elemental masterpieces and portrait artwork. Each of my pieces is made to exude feelings such as joy, peace, love, abundance, happiness, prosperity and calmness.  

What influences your art? 

I’ve loved art since I was a child and believe the creative gene runs in my family with nearly all my mother’s side of the family being artists or creators. In 2014, at the age of 19, I tragically lost my mother, Cheryl Bethea, to domestic violence while I was five months pregnant with my daughter and had a nine-month-old son. That horrific event truly sparked me to start painting. I sought an outlet for healing, and it was like the paintbrushes and canvas were begging to be picked up. What started as a simple escape from reality grew to take on a deeper significance. During the toughest periods of my life – moments of intense sadness, loss and confusion – art helped me cope. I like to look at it as alchemy; life takes me on a ride, and I take my artwork with me, letting it guide me.

How have you evolved, personally, as an artist?

I started off painting portraits of people and, overtime, branched off into mixed media and eventually mixed the two! I’m now diving into mural artwork because I think it’s so amazing how someone can transform a large blank wall into something so beautiful. I’ve learned to go with the flow with what I am curious about at the moment. I’ve evolved to not being so hard on myself and to not compare my artwork with others because we are all on different journeys. I’ve also learned that mistakes mean progress and not failure. 

How do you carve out time to be creative?

As a mom of three, with a one-year, 10-year and a nine-year-old, carving out time to be creative can be a challenge. I often create while my children are playing or at school, but I also love creating around them so they can see the process. However, if I really need to fully focus with no disruptions while I’m creating, I ask for help from their father or another family member to be with them. 

Do you have a favorite story behind one of your projects, and why?

One of my favorite pieces is called “Strength” which is a painting of a lion. During that time in my life, I was going through so much! I was depressed and pregnant with my third child. I literally cried while painting it, yet it felt so liberating. I felt like I was channeling the inner warrior within myself to push through, fight and keep going. It was my first lion piece, and it’s amazing to look at it and see so much of what I was feeling represented. When I gave birth to my daughter, I was sitting in the birthing pool at home watching that painting, and I envisioned the strength of the lion as I pushed through the waves of my contractions; I knew I could do it. Although the painting is sold now, it holds a special place in my heart. 

What are you working on that excites you right now?  

My mind is always overflowing with massive ideas! Recently, I pivoted into becoming a children’s book author. As a little girl, I used to read books to my stuffed animals and finally my dreams of becoming a children’s book author came true! I created a positive affirmation children’s book called, “I Am Who I Say I Am” to inspire children, like my own, to believe in themselves and their abilities so that they can become their greatest selves.

What is one piece of advice you’d like to share with fellow artists, especially those at the start of their careers?

Never stop creating! Creativity is in abundance just like the grass outside and part of who we are! Even when life gets you down or you feel discouraged that your artwork is not where you want it to be, keep your heart open to creating. Let the world see your creations without the judgments of your own mind. Someone out there sees the magic in you and your work! 

If you are interested in learning more about this month’s artist, Jazmine Moore, you can find her work online at as well as follow her on Instagram @jazspire_.


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