Sugar Mamas Movement: How Amy Jah Empowers Aspiring Female Entrepreneurs


If you haven’t seen Amy Jah’s iconic pink American Moving & Hauling trucks around town, you’ve definitely seen her taking social media by storm with the Sugar Mamas Movement. As American Moving & Hauling’s owner of 19 years, Amy created Sugar Mamas to share her hard earned entrepreneurial skills with other aspiring female business owners seeking support.

Amy describes the Sugar Mamas Movement as not only a community, but also as a sisterhood of women pushing and inspiring each other to become the best versions of themselves personally, professionally and, of course, profitably. Sugar Mamas shopping events are more than just retail therapy with an open bar – although, that alone is enough to grab anyone’s attention. Members of the Sugar Mamas Movement benefit from networking events, conferences and the companionship of like-minded women.

Starting a business was not a walk in the park for Amy, who, contrary to her confident and stylish exterior, struggled internally with feeling alone as a female entrepreneur. However, by facing the discomfort of stepping outside of her comfort zone, she began making valuable connections within the community and built a bombshell brand and booming business with years of sweat equity and personal growth. As a matter of fact, she attributes finally seeing the fruits of her labor in 2014 to devoting her attention solely to branding and staffing after juggling a business, being a student and being a loving single mom for years.

Since the movement saw so much success early on, Sugar Mamas oversold memberships last year. Fortunately, for those interested, the membership waitlist will reopen in October with access to monthly meetings and presentations from industry experts as membership perks. On Friday, July 26th, Sugar Mamas will be holding its Sexual Health + Wellness Seminar at Historic Broyhill in Clemmons. As a ticketed event, attendees are able to listen to five speakers from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and can expect to see adult vendors, exciting activities and a free, safe place to open up and ask questions. Ladies will learn about dismantling the myths of female sexuality, the impact of toxic shame on sexuality, and hormonal and pelvic floor therapy. Purchase tickets here:

Although Amy is a local style icon and stands out in colors that make her feel confident and joyful, she also attributes much of her growth over recent years to her involvement with the Forsyth Magazines family around 2015. She considers the attendance of her first Women on the Move Conference to be a game changer in her persona as a female business owner. Finding herself surrounded by strong, supportive women at the conference and meeting loyal clients face to face for the first time were the catalysts for her leap into creating her own community for empowering others in her shoes.

Amy’s transformation from someone who once described herself as terrible at networking to now being seen as the life of the party wherever she goes serves as living proof to those scared to take the leap into bettering their finances, career paths and personal growth. Interested in getting involved with the Sugar Mamas Movement? Stay up to date on the latest Sugar Mamas events by visiting or following @sugarmamasmovement on Instagram. Can’t make it to the Sexual Health + Wellness Seminar? Be on the lookout for news surrounding a September Sugar Mamas seminar centered around the ins and outs of content creation for small businesses and social media.

Join the Movement! Get on the waitlist for our January 2025 Memership Cohort!


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