Spiritual Gifts in Business

As business leaders, we often associate success with proven strategies, profit increases and growth trajectories. But, as believers, we also know there’s a deeper layer to everything we do, including our work. God has given each of us unique spiritual gifts meant to build up the body of Christ, and they also play a vital role in how we run our businesses. Recognizing and utilizing these gifts within our companies can transform how we operate and evolve our businesses to be more profitable and purposeful.

Using Spiritual Gifts to Build God’s Kingdom

Using spiritual gifts in business isn’t about making money because God never needed money to elevate our lives. When we view our businesses as ministries, the gifts within them are about building up the children of God who are with us in our entrepreneurial journey. This includes our helpers, supporters and customers. This changes the way we view success. Everyone appointed to our businesses is a co-laborer in Christ, each with God-given gifts to contribute to the mission. 

1 Corinthians 12 teaches us about the variety of spiritual gifts in the body of Christ, and we can apply this to our businesses. Paul explains that there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them, and each gift is given for the common good. In the same way, the diversity of gifts among our team can be a tremendous asset. When we view our business through this lens, we can more effectively steward the gifts that God has placed within our team, and, as a result, our business can become a powerful tool for advancing God’s kingdom.

Discovering and Nurturing Gifts

Some of us may already know our spiritual gifts, while others might still be discovering theirs. It’s important to create an environment where these gifts can be recognized and nurtured. We should encourage our team to seek God’s guidance in discovering their gifts and be patient as these gifts unfold. Remember, not everyone will realize their gifts at the same time or in the same way, and that’s okay. The key is to support each other in the journey of discovery, understanding that God’s timing is perfect.

We may be tempted to assign roles based on what the business needs at the moment, but it’s crucial to remember that spiritual gifts cannot be placed on someone just because a certain skill set is missing. The gift comes by God’s grace. For instance, if your business needs someone with an extroverted personality who is great at talking to people, which could lead to more connections and clients, it’s important not to force anyone into that position if they aren’t ready or naturally inclined. Similarly, your current team should not feel inferior if they are introverts or if their gifts lie in other areas.

Building a Faithful and Gifted Team

As business grows, be patient and trust that God is building a team according to His perfect plan. Each person who joins the team is there for a reason, and his or her unique gifts are meant to complement the work that God has called us to do. When you recognize and cultivate these gifts, you create a business environment that is not only successful but also deeply aligned with God’s purposes.

Incorporating spiritual gifts into your business is a divine strategy. It allows us to see beyond the surface and tap into the deeper, more eternal purposes of our work. So, keep seeking God’s wisdom in recognizing these gifts in the people who are part of your business, and trust that He will continue to guide you and your team on the path He has set before you. By doing so, your business can become a beacon of light in the marketplace, shining brightly for His glory. I have faith in you. 

Sheridan C. Watkins is a journalist and the owner of Perennial Peaces, a jewelry and gifts brand focused on transcending self worth to all women. Her true work began after climbing out of a dark place with the help of God and therapy, and her life mission is to provide tangible peace through her Divine gifts to help women heal and transform their lives. Follow the mission on Instagram and Facebook: @perennialpeaces.


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