“Accessories will always help to make a room more beautiful, stylish and put together.”

 ~ unknown

As an interior redesigner, I like nothing better than to use furniture and accessories my client has in their home to create a beautiful space. But there are times I start from scratch and help my client purchase some or all new items, including accessories for their home. The larger furniture items and rugs are easier than shopping for all the accessories, which take more of my time but are so important in the end result. When accessories are needed, where do you start?

  1. Whether the accessory will be on a tabletop, wall, or shelf, the first and most important is to know the size of the space where the accessory will be placed. If a shelf, the depth, height, and width need to be measured. A good rule of thumb (guideline) is to fill the shelf with items that fill 2/3s the width of the shelf. If you are hanging a mirror, picture, or architectural item on a wall, measure the width of the furniture piece (sofa, console, etc.) it will be hung over; the wall art should measure approximately 2/3s of that width.  For example: if the console is 60”, a picture should be 40”. This works for a mantle also. If hanging on a wall by itself, follow the same guideline.
  2. I can ‘run my legs off’ shopping for accessories, but if I know the size, color, and object I am shopping for, I can shop online. Lamps are a good example; bedside lamps should be approximately 26 -28” tall. My rule of thumb is that the shade should be no wider than the table the lamp sits on. In a family room, 28” – 30” is a good height. Accent lamps can be shorter. Pillows are great accessories and are a means of adding pops of color. Try to mix shapes and textures.
  3. Don’t forget to shop your home for accessories you may have put away or weren’t sure where to use. If you can use accessories that you already own that have meaning or a ‘story,’ these are the best! You might love the item and appreciate it more if it is used in a different place.
  4. You can shop for reasonably priced accessories at consignment stores, yard sales, Target, Homegoods, etc.
  5. Keep in mind when you are shopping that you will be accessorizing a shelf, mantle, vignette, etc., using an odd number of items (1, 3, 5…. more tend to look cluttered). By varying the heights, shapes, and textures, the items will add visual interest and depth.
  1. Add interest to your space by accessorizing with books. Books can stand, lie flat, or elevate an object.  Their spines can add color or distract. If you don’t like the color of the book, try turning the spine so you see the pages.  I always remove book jackets and never use paperbacks.
  2. Don’t forget to use elements of nature as accessories as they bring ‘life’ to your décor. Whether it’s green plants, wood, shells, baskets, etc., these elements will add texture and help to create a beautiful home.
  3. Remember, it may take several shopping trips to fine the items you love…’s a process! Don’t just buy to fill your space.  You’ll be much happier with the end results if you take your time to accessorize your room.


Thank you for reading my article each month. It is my pleasure to help you create a beautiful home where your family can come to be loved, refreshed, and encouraged. Need help? Give ReDESIGNS by Ava a call….336-345-2929 to make an appointment.



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