Love is one of the most powerful feelings and we all want to experience it consistently. Love motivates us to keep striving, to try again, to let our guard down, and sacrifice. Frankly, love can get us to do some of the craziest things we thought we never would and it sheds light on parts of us we didn’t know existed.
But I’m not talking about relationships today. Love can bring out the same things in entrepreneurship and, as owners of creative and God-ordained businesses, we should think more about transcending love to the people and things we interact with. As I study admirable companies, I notice the successful ones, that are not focused solely on money, always have love ingrained in their foundation. Love will be able to keep us in the fight when we feel like giving up. Love comes in many forms and we need a mix of it all! Here are three main forms of love:
Love for God
This shouldn’t be shocking to read but I listed this as the first point because without putting God first, you are demonstrating you trust yourself or other people more than you trust God. Contrary to what some may believe, God is great at business! The Bible is loaded with advice and stories about money because He wants us to be wealthy. Don’t marinate in all your business problems – instead clear your mind by laying those problems at His feet. Oftentimes, God quickly provides an answer so you can make a decision and continue your day in peace. When you love God and know He loves you, you can trust Him with everything and business gets easier. We will always have roadblocks in our entrepreneurial pursuits but nothing is too hard for God to handle. Through Jesus, he conquered the entire world so trust He has the map to success for your business and focus on loving all that He has done for you.
Love for Your Audience
What would we be without the people that support our businesses? When I began my entrepreneurial journey, I was consumed by various business books, podcasts and webinars that groomed me on how to treat people as just numbers to a monetary goal. “Gurus” would encourage me to focus on analytics and funneling a certain amount of people to get just 10 percent of them to buy my products. I used their templates for sales pages and marketing emails and was conducting business as if everyone would respond in the same way. I abolished that sleazy strategy a long time ago and began focusing on one person at a time. Every person, whether they turn into a customer or not, receives my genuine love because God revealed to me why I was in business from the start: to transcend self-worth and be a woman’s source for peace on Earth. Sure, one day analytics will help as I strive to scale, but loving my audience will outshine analytics and show the results of a true community!
Love for Yourself
Your audience wants to see you take care of yourself. It inspires them to do the same and instills trust that you also care about the products you are selling. Do they see you using your own products? Do they see you taking breaks and embracing the fact your life is not just about business? Incorporate other parts of your story in your business because that’s relatable. Our purpose is not only to make money but also to help others see what’s possible for their life, too. That can only come when we lead by example and love all facets of ourselves.
In this month of love, think of the countless ways you can extend love to yourself, to others and to God and the success you seek will come to you like a magnet. I love you and I have faith in you.
Sheridan C. Watkins is a journalist and the owner of Perennial Peaces, a jewelry and gifts brand focused on transcending self-worth to all women. Her true work began after climbing out of a dark place with the help of God and therapy and her life mission is to provide tangible peace through her Divine gifts to help women heal and transform their life. Follow the mission on Instagram and Facebook: @perennialpeaces