Purpose Push: Fall in Love with Your Vision

There’s a lot of business advice to dive into that can come with many distractions. From studying analytics to strategizing revenue growth, getting wrapped up in the technical side of growing a business is very easy. However, it’s important to remember that God granted your business ideas and the capacity to keep them running. You aren’t in business solely to make money but also to impact the lives connected to your business. 

In most business workshops, you are encouraged to create a vision statement. As you pursue entrepreneurship, you will realize how important the vision is. It’s usually a couple of sentences at most, but your vision statement is something you can refer back to when making pivotal decisions to stay aligned. Have you created your vision statement? When was the last time you looked at it? Do you still believe in it? 

Usually, your vision statement involves the people whose lives you want to change forever. The vision can seem unattainable, however, it’s healthy to strive to move mountains (Matthew 17:20) because it gives you something to believe in and bring God into. Your vision statement is your chance to dream big, so ask yourself, “How would my business create a perfect world?” I started a business of creating jewelry because I love helping others transform a simple outfit into a styled ensemble they feel regal in. As someone who struggled with peers not understanding and making fun of some of my outfit choices, I strive to help women and girls never feel like they cannot express themselves. 

Chances are you know a specific group of people who need what you sell. I want you to fall in love with them, just like God fell in love with us and commit to helping them succeed. No matter what, do not stray from your vision of a perfect world. Realistically, perfection is reserved for God and our heavenly bodies (Philippians 3:21), but how fulfilled would you be if you left this world better than you found it?

To help with crafting a powerful vision statement, think about these steps:

  1. The end result for your customer: What will make them say, “I’ve accomplished this goal with the help of [your business]?”
  2. The finish line for your business: If you decided never to make another product or provide your service again because so many customers have accomplished their goals through your business, how would you expect the world to behave going forward? 

Set aside focused time to create or revisit your vision statement. Money comes and goes, but the vision permeates the atmosphere forever. Let’s build the world we want to live in. I have faith in you.

Sheridan C. Watkins is a journalist and the owner of Perennial Peaces, a jewelry and gifts brand focused on transcending self worth to all women. Her true work began after climbing out of a dark place with the help of God and therapy, and her life mission is to provide tangible peace through her Divine gifts to help women heal and transform their lives. Follow the mission on Instagram and Facebook: @perennialpeaces.


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