Purpose Push: Don’t hesitate to take a break!

As women entrepreneurs, we wear many hats that can add up to a lot of tasks, time, and stress.

In this society, where hustle and productivity are often glorified, it’s easy for us to get caught up in the rat race. If you’re anything like me, you often think about your future, which puts pressure on your present to get more things done. Though it’s great to think about the future for planning purposes, it can be overwhelming to cram things into our lives with no room to take a break and relax.

Today, we’re going to shatter the myth that we need to consistently grind to be successful. Studies show regular breaks increase productivity and creativity. So let’s make sure we are cultivating the best version of ourselves.

Listen to Your Body

Have you ever forced yourself to work on a task, and came back to it later shocked at the quality you produced? You end up changing everything, which results in wasted time you could’ve used to rest instead. Being in sync with our body decreases your chances of experiencing burnout. Make sure you’re fueling your body with nutrition, rest, and self care. God gave us the gift of rest and constructed our DNA to require it. Your body will tell you how to help it perform optimally but this is not to be confused with running off of emotions. Of course, there will be days you won’t feel like doing anything but recognize this is a mental state you can overcome with activities like meditating, stepping outside for Vitamin D from the sun, and getting deeper into your Bible. However, if you find yourself neglecting things that are routine for you, eating poorly, moving slowly, or feeling drained physically and mentally, it’s time for a break. 

Delegate Non-Negotiables

Many of us struggle with relinquishing control and delegating tasks because we think no one can do the task the way we do. That is actually true but it’s okay because there’s more than one way to do something correctly. Embrace the mindset of the Proverbs 31 woman and take baby steps by trusting others with small tasks and increasing that over time. You can delegate within your business and family life, too. When you’re at your capacity, it may be time to see what others can do to help take weight off of you. You can do this effectively by building systems for others to abide by. The purpose of a mature business is to function properly without the owner being there consistently. Remember, you’re building a business, not a job, and what better way to see where you can improve your systems than by taking a break. 

Actively Disengage

Summertime is great for extended breaks! Most of us yearn for warmer weather and relaxing activities. It’s not just about physically stepping away from work but actively engaging in activities that bring you back to yourself and take your mind off your to-do list. Your journey is not just about working and it’s important to pour into all the areas that compile your life story. Decide what actively disengaging looks like for you: Is it game nights with friends and family, chilling by the pool, attending some all-day activities, or going away for vacation? 

These are healthy distractions that recharge your batteries and allow you to continue performing at your best. There’s nothing to feel bad about! 

You are a hard-working woman and no one can tell you otherwise. But taking breaks are strategic investments in your long-term health and success. Business cannot go on if you’re not healthy enough to pioneer. Breaks make you stronger so make sure they are a part of your life regularly. I have faith in you. 

Sheridan C. Watkins is a journalist and the owner of Perennial Peaces, a jewelry and gifts brand focused on transcending self-worth to all women. Her true work began after climbing out of a dark place with the help of God and therapy and her life mission is to provide tangible peace through her Divine gifts to help women heal and transform their life. Follow the mission on Instagram and Facebook: @perennialpeaces


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