Nichols Hearing & Audiology – Navigating the Holidays with Hearing Loss

If your calendar is brimming with family gatherings over the next month, it’s time to rest up, recharge and perhaps consider what may be holding you back in certain social situations –  hearing loss.

Facing hearing issues around the holidays can be especially frustrating, as you look to reconnect with family and friends in settings that are fun and festive, but very likely loud! Communication and understanding can be lost in the hustle and bustle of shopping, decorating and celebrating –  all of which can be challenging environments if you don’t hear well and struggle to keep up with conversations.

“Those situations can create a great sense of frustration, and following not far behind, increased anxiety,” shares Dr. Anna Nichols, owner of Nichols Hearing & Audiology in Winston-Salem. She also says her practice is seeing younger patients with hearing difficulties, which means that establishing a baseline reading at an initial evaluation can be crucial, no matter your age.

Dr. Nichols is passionate about helping patients take positive steps to improve their hearing and better connect with loved ones. The Nichols team always suggests a spouse or significant other join patients at their initial hearing evaluation – knowing it’s a team effort to improve your daily life together. They are truly focused on developing and nurturing long term relationships with patients – getting to know both their families and their interests.

“Our number one focus is patient care,” Dr. Nichols shares. “It’s also important to recognize and educate yourself on the effects that hearing loss can have on your mental state. With a feeling of isolation, we’ve seen there can be as much as a 60% increase in risk for depression, anxiety and even dementia in patients with moderate to severe hearing loss. A 30% increase in depression is common for individuals with even a minor hearing loss. But, with proper education and our personalized care, we can turn that around!”

Dr. Nichols has designed her practice to work with individuals to correct a current hearing problem, and also to proactively protect them from developing a more serious issue later on. But, in the meantime, there are tips for more stress-free holidays!

If you’re hosting your extended family for lunch or dinner, think creatively! Consider round tables instead of long tables for dinner seating – offering you a better chance to see faces, which helps with communication. Keep your table centerpieces low to see everyone clearly, and maintain music on the softer side. If you find loud stores or shopping malls stressful, stick with smaller, locally owned businesses, where you’ll typically find a quieter atmosphere. Plus, shopping small is always a good idea.

And, while embracing the joy of the season, don’t be afraid to alert extended family members to your communication needs and hearing sensitivity.

With the added pressures of hosting out-of-town family, office holiday parties and neighborhood get-togethers, it’s the perfect time to address the beautiful sounds and voices you may be missing with the Nichols team – and work towards a new year filled with hearing well and living well!

You can trust the professionals at Nichols Hearing & Audiology for the finest care when it comes to your family’s hearing needs. They offer state-of-the-art technology and the most up-to-date hearing aid options – many that actually connect to smart phones through Bluetooth technology! Nichols Hearing & Audiology is located at 3640 Westgate Center Circle, Suite B, in Winston-Salem, 336.842.3437. Visit the practice online at, follow them on Facebook at Nichols Hearing & Audiology and on Instagram @nicholshearingandaudiology.


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