Nichols Hearing & Audiology – Healthy Communication for Two


If you are struggling during day-to-day communication with someone you love, hopefully you’re already in the process of scheduling a consultation with Dr. Anna Nichols at Nichols Hearing & Audiology in Winston-Salem. If not, compassionate care is truly a phone call away.

Nothing nurtures an intimate relationship more than a healthy dose of communication and understanding, but sadly, nothing breaks down those relationships quicker than a lack of that understanding. Once communication is stifled – or you find yourself constantly translating for a partner in social situations or “filling in the blanks” later on – frustration and resentment are sure to follow. 

Taking this positive step to improve your partner’s hearing loss is monumental, and the Nichols team strongly suggests a spouse or significant other come along to the initial hearing evaluation. “You’re in this together, and accepting the presence of hearing loss can change every day of your lives together for the better!” adds Dr. Nichols.

Consider your daily routine – there’s nothing more frustrating than only hearing a partial interaction with those closest to you, and Dr. Nichols stresses the importance of chatting about coping strategies for both parties – and even with children or other family members. 

While hearing loss is typically associated with aging, it can also be linked to diabetes, cardiovascular disease and kidney disease. Dr. Nichols shares that she’s seeing younger patients with hearing difficulties which means that establishing a baseline reading at an initial evaluation can be crucial, no matter your age. At your first consultation, the Nichols team gathers your personal case history and obtains a visualization of your external ear canal with a hearing test in the practice’s modern sound booth.

Their testing is strategically designed to put together the best customized plan for your hearing needs which often includes hearing aids. Technology continues to make state-of-the-art hearing aids a much more acceptable and successful option, and they are often the key to bridging the gap to better communication with your partner and family!

Understanding your full range of hearing loss – for both yourself and a spouse – is only part of the unsurpassed patient care you’ll find here. Beyond the diagnosis and proposed treatment, it’s important to recognize and educate yourself on the effects that hearing loss can have on a patient’s mental state as well. A feeling of loneliness and isolation can grow for both partners, and there can be as much as a 60% increase in risk for depression and anxiety (and even dementia) in those with moderate to severe hearing loss. A 30% increase in depression is common for individuals with even a minor hearing loss. Those are alarming statistics that, thankfully, can be addressed with proper education and personalized care.

Back to your daily interactions – changing how you approach the issue at home can start with a few simple tactics such as always speaking face-to-face with your partner, as slowly and clearly as possible! Patience is key – and forget trying to talk from different rooms in your home, or adding to everyone’s frustration by trying to speak over loud music or the TV (that goes for loud restaurants, as well!) Before you begin a new conversation, take a moment to touch your partner’s shoulder to make sure you’re both present and ready to interact.

You can apply similar tactics in the workplace, where missing out on key statements or asking a colleague to repeat what someone said can be embarrassing. Engage with colleagues in a quiet space whenever possible, and if you’re comfortable sharing your hearing loss status with them, everyone can work together to include you more effectively.

Trust Nichols Hearing & Audiology for the finest care and sensitivity to all your hearing needs – and those you love – plus state-of-the-art technology if your condition requires hearing aids. The office is located at 3640 Westgate Center Circle, Suite B, in Winston-Salem, 336.842.3437. Visit the practice online at, follow them on Facebook at Nichols Hearing & Audiology and on Instagram @nicholshearingandaudiology.


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