Leslie Speas

Leslie Speas is a local author who has written two books – Confessions of a Hot Mess: From Mess to MESSage and From Hot Mess to God’s Best. She shares her “hot mess” through her books and blog to help others with theirs. Leslie has had a long career as a Human Resources leader working in the manufacturing, healthcare, service, and technology industries. She is currently Managing Partner of InfluencHeR Consulting, an HR and Organizational Development Consulting Firm based in Winston-Salem. You can follow Leslie on her “hot mess” website – www.lesliespeas.com. – or her business website www.influencherconsulting.com

Getting Through Grief

The terrible pain of losing a loved one is something almost everyone experiences. No matter how imminent the death, nothing prepares us for the emotional rollercoaster

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Articles By Leslie Speas

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