Four Instagram Tips for Business Owners – Level Up Your Instagram Content to Grow Your Business

Whether you love Instagram or hate it, it’s an amazing marketing tool for business owners. It has continually proven itself as a top social media platform since its release on October 6, 2010. 

Data from August 2024 shows it remains the fourth social media platform as far as user counts as well as the same rank for most active users. The other three higher ranking social media platforms are Facebook, WhatsApp and YouTube. 

If you aren’t on Instagram, you are missing reaching a huge audience and, like most social media platforms, it is free to sign up. If you are already on it but not utilizing it, then you are missing out on an important piece of marketing. 

Are you unsure of what to post on Instagram or how to utilize it? Then, this article is for you! Here are four Instagram tips for business owners. 

Be Real

One great aspect that Instagram has brought to the forefront of marketing is being real. From moms to influencers to business owners, everyone is showing real life in their roles. It is no longer about showing everything as perfect. 

Some ideas on “keeping it real” posts:

  • A day in the life of (insert title, role or business industry here) reel
  • Behind-the-scenes clips
  • Hard aspects of being a small business owner/entrepreneur 

No matter how you portray it, remember that it’s about expression and real life, not about perfection!

Don’t Overextend Yourself

While it’s important to have regular posts on Instagram, don’t overextend yourself either. That is a sure way to get burned out. Work in creating and scheduling/publishing posts when you have time – for example, sitting in the waiting room at a doctor’s office. 

This is a great task to also outsource when you can. A marketing professional, like myself, can help you in all aspects of Instagram from post creation and publishing to creating a schedule to stay on track. Remember, as a business owner, delegation and outsourcing are so important to keep your sanity and get everything done. 

Canva Is Your Friend

Canva is an amazing marketing tool for not just social media, but overall marketing, as well. You can create so many items on this app, including social media posts. Always keep in mind, though, it’s also important to have real photos and videos of yourself and your business in the mix on your Instagram page. 

There is a free version of Canva that allows for a lot of content creation, but the pro level does cost money. 

Enjoy It

This is possibly the most important Instagram tip in this article. One of my old bosses, Merwyn Hayes, always told me he never worked a day in his life since he opened his business, Hayes Group International, because he loved what he did. This should be applied to as many work aspects as possible, including Instagram.

The moment something feels like work, you’ll either dread doing it or constantly put it off. Neither of these options are good! If you get to that point or are already there with Instagram, then it’s time to outsource it. 

Think of Instagram as a way to not only market your business, but to express yourself, share your voice and really have fun sharing content you love, as well!


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