Stay in the Fight!


I talk to so many people in a day who fight for things that seem so ridiculously out of reach. Just maybe, I’m talking to YOU!

You’ve believed in a turnaround. You’ve held on for dear life, knowing the tide must turn soon because the cliff is imminent. I hear you! 

Let’s face it, when the fight feels long and the victory seems uncertain, it’s easy to quit or, at the very least, slow our roll. 

Let’s get real for a minute. Fighting for the right things is not for wimps. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it! 

Maybe you’re fighting for your marriage that spirals to new lows daily. Perhaps you’re fighting for your children that presently break your heart with their destructive choices. Maybe it’s a diagnosis that scares you sleepless, but you’re giving it all you’ve got to overcome! 

Believe it or not, everyone you know is in a fight for something. It can be exhausting! 

This is why we’ve got to choose wisely! 

Make sure you’re fighting for the right things. Make sure you’re fighting with the right tools. 

The Apostle Paul calls this life of Faith, “The Good Fight!” It’s the right fight with weapons that win! But, even the good fight doesn’t exempt us from pain and difficulty. EVERY FIGHT COMES WITH A PRICE!

You’ll pay a price now to get where you want to go, or you’ll pay it later because you avoided the fight. So, stop avoiding pain and difficulty. Pay the price now, and enjoy your harvest later! Whatever you do, just STAY IN THE FIGHT!

You’re not going to believe this, but I promise it’s true! When we stay in the fight, it makes us stronger! It keeps us in peak condition! No joke! 

Consider this. Long before airplanes, the west coast desperately wanted cod delivered from the east coast. Great minds brainstormed the possibilities. 

Initially, shipmates loaded cod on boats to travel south all the way around to the west coast for delivery. Problem was, by the time they arrived, the fish had gone bad. So, they tried keeping cod alive in tanks as they traveled that long distance. Still, by the time they reached their destination, the cod proved tasteless. 

Then, someone had this crazy idea to put catfish in tanks with the cod as they embarked the long distance from east coast to west coast. Catfish are predators of cod! 

That’s right. They placed the enemy of the cod in the tank so that the cod had to fight for their lives the entire journey. When they arrived on the west coast this time, the cod demonstrated that they were in peak condition! 

Are you getting this? The cod deteriorated and diminished in the comfort of the tank without a fight. But, as soon as they added an enemy that kept them on their toes, they skyrocketed in strength and endurance. 

Listen friend, in this life, there will always be things that fight us and make us fight back. Don’t run from the fight. Run to it if it’s the right fight. God has a way of infusing you with His strength in such a way that you can run without growing weary. You can walk and not faint while others around you bite the dust. 

Why are you fighting? What’s your end goal? Is it for a righteous reason? Then know this! If you are in God and God is in you, the fight is fixed! In God, YOU WIN! For real! He’s never lost a battle! EVER! 

Whatever you do, don’t quit! STAY IN THE FIGHT! Victory has never been closer than right now! For comments or prayer, please contact Dr. Lanier at


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