Purpose Push: Which Fear Will You Choose? 

Fear is an experience that happens in your mind but triggers a physical reaction in your body. 

We won’t know the true reason we were chosen to have an earthly experience until we meet our Creator, but we know we were born into a sinful world. Once the pureness of God’s creation was met with sin, we experienced all kinds of setbacks. A big setback that plagues many entrepreneurs today is fear. Fear of failure, success, judgment, ridicule and loneliness are the first words that come to my mind. But the Bible has shown us that we’ve always had a choice – fear this world or fear God. One leads to bondage and one leads to victory. 

God knew we would battle with the evil forces of fear, so it’s addressed a lot in The Word to give us confidence to keep fighting when we want to hide. 

Fear is deeply rooted in our human experience; from the moment we entered this world, we learned how to fear the world from our earliest interactions. It usually takes just one time to touch a hot stove to know that’s a feeling we don’t want to experience again. Our parents taught us how to look both ways before crossing the street, and school taught us the buddy system so no friend gets lost. Survival instincts, societal pressures and past experiences all contribute to the complex web of fears we carry. And, while some fears are rational and protect us from harm, we develop many irrational fears that hold us back from reaching our full potential.

When fear begins to keep us from completing tasks that do not affect our overall health, that is a sign we are encountering a spiritual attack. This is the time to grab a Bible and meditate on God’s Word. One of the most popular scriptures addressing fear is Psalm 23:4, which says, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil…”

The problem is it’s become so customary to recite, it seems to have lost its effectiveness with God’s children. Do we truly believe He will comfort and be with us? 

Scriptures remind us of our power through Christ, but we must believe we can conquer and move mountains for our faith to activate the blessings that await. 

Psalm 111:10 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom…” God takes the word “fear” and flips the meaning of what most associate it with. When we fear God, we’re not afraid but marvel at His authority and joyfully put His Will and knowledge above ours. This is when He will give us wise business decisions that keep us afloat and competitive in our niche. 

So, how can we ensure that we are fearing the Lord instead? With faith and force. I’ll admit that it may take time to truly believe certain scriptures when life doesn’t currently reflect it. The father of a possessed son felt the same way when he said, “Help my unbelief,” in Mark 9:24. Oftentimes, I actively force myself to continue reciting His Word and believing in my heart He will transform my circumstances. I’ve chosen to fight worldly fear because God has saved me many times. I’m reminded when I look back in my journal and see the answered prayers. The more we reflect on God’s track record, the easier it becomes to believe scriptures like Psalm 91:5 which says, “You will not be afraid of the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day.”

God is with us each and every day! He gave us the business ideas and the power to execute them. Which fear will you lean into? I’m excited to see your journey as you trust God more with your life. Send me an email if you ever need prayer (sheridan@perennialpeaces.com). I have faith in you. 

Sheridan C. Watkins is a journalist and the owner of Perennial Peaces, a jewelry and gifts brand focused on transcending self-worth to all women. Her true work began after climbing out of a dark place with the help of God and therapy and her life mission is to provide tangible peace through her Divine gifts to help women heal and transform their lives. Follow the mission on Instagram and Facebook: @perennialpeaces.


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