Retirement: Is Everyday Saturday?

Thinking ahead to retirement, many of us: Imagined that every day would be Saturday – unencumbered and ours alone to define. Thought that once we crossed the finish line, time would be more malleable – ours alone to fill. Hoped that the constancy of emailing, texting and zooming would be ours alone to determine. Ours […]

Getting Older? Keep A Positive Attitude

Just the other day, I had a moment when the physical reality of aging lodged in my head and messed with my attitude. I hate when one negative thought takes off, growing into an entire field of weeds in my mind.  It all started with a jar of pickles. After several fruitless attempts to remove […]

Discovering Your Purpose

Discovering your purpose or the “why” that guides your life is important because it helps give your life clarity and direction. It is a deeply personal journey and is about aligning your life with what truly matters to you and creating a life that reflects your deepest values and aspirations.  It isn’t a quick process, […]

Caregiving: Taking Care of Yourself While Caring For Someone Else

In 2014, I began a new job that would have a profound impact on my life. As the new coordinator of a memory counseling program at a local hospital, I soon developed relationships with many caregivers – usually a husband or wife caring for their spouse or an adult child caring for a parent with […]

Conversation with Your BFF – “What Should I Know By 40 Years Old?”

How many times have you been talking to your bestie and said, “I wish I’d known that before…” followed by whatever information you wish you’d had at the time you started dating, got married, took a job, went through a divorce, etc? It’d be nice to have a second go round with the information and […]

Fears, Flights and Landings: A Summer Reflection

As a pair of house finches eagerly set up housekeeping in a new hanging fern, my dear man delivered his customary, gentle reminder: “You know that you have a history of interfering with mother nature.” As his words trailed off, I muttered “guilty as charged.”  It was true, especially since that “harmless” black snake consumed […]

Peach Cobbler Italian Ricotta Cheesecake

This easy, Italian style ricotta cheesecake is layered with juicy roasted peaches and a brown sugar crumble for a showstopper end-of-summer dessert! With just a blender and a sheet pan, this Peach Cobbler Italian Ricotta Cheesecake is a must try recipe for the peach season. Servings: 12-14 Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 1 hour, […]

Plant Forward, Vegetarian, Vegan: What’s the Difference?

Plant based eating has gained significant popularity, with various diets emphasizing different levels of plant consumption. Among the most popular are plant forward, vegetarian and vegan diets. While these diets share a common focus on plant foods, they differ significantly in their guidelines and restrictions. Understanding these differences can help you make informed choices about […]

Purpose Push: Fall in Love with Your Vision

There’s a lot of business advice to dive into that can come with many distractions. From studying analytics to strategizing revenue growth, getting wrapped up in the technical side of growing a business is very easy. However, it’s important to remember that God granted your business ideas and the capacity to keep them running. You […]

People of Prominence; Sept 2024

Shelley Hundley was nominated in last month’s edition as a stellar person of prominence who gives so much of herself to her community. Here, she speaks about her background, the event she now oversees each year and how we as a community can get involved! Tell us about your formative years. Where did you grow […]

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