Vintage Ventures: A Series Uncovering Vintage Gems In and Around Forsyth County

Snob Shop With women-owned businesses near and dear to Forsyth Woman’s heart, Snob Shop at 1020 Burke Street in Winston-Salem boasts of top-notch consignment finds – but don’t let the name fool you. Snob Shop prides itself in providing its shoppers with reasonable prices for great steals. Having graced the Burke Street community for 50 […]

Funny or Not So Much?: Get a Handle on Humor in Your Workplace 

We all love a good laugh when the source of that laughter is well-intentioned, well-timed and  downright funny. And laughter loves us. A good, hearty laugh reduces our stress and bolsters our immune system. It exercises our diaphragm and provides a great workout for our heart. We can almost feel these effects when we laugh […]

Publisher Perspective – July 2024

photo by Jodie Brim Creative  While recording a podcast a few days ago, I had a powerful conversation with one of our writers, Debbie Barr. Debbie recently published four books (yes, FOUR), and one of them is on the topic of overwhelm. We chatted about how life feels more overwhelming than ever these days, and […]

Making Dollars. Making Sense: The Long Term Care Dilemma

As our business and our clients mature, so do the topics that tend to take center stage in client reviews and discussions. Over the past several years, the topic of health care later in retirement, by way of moving to a retirement community or to some type of care facility, is a more frequent discussion. The fact is that the […]

Memories of 4th of July

Commemoration of America’s independence “…ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.”  ~ John Adams wrote in a letter to his wife, Abigail, dated July 3, 1776. The first July Fourth […]

The Real Skinny on Cultivating Trust at Work: Part One

For such a small word, “trust” is loaded. When you can say “I trust you completely,” you feel both confident and secure in that person’s intentions, words and actions. You can breathe easily and get on with what needs to be done. It’s priceless. The reality, however, is that you may often find yourself thinking: […]

Purpose Push: The Heart of Your Business

There are certain things we rarely feel like doing, yet we do them anyway. What are those things for you? It could be taking your kids to school, but you know if they don’t go, they won’t receive the education they deserve and you love them too much for that to happen. So, in this […]

How to Make a Cheeseburger Board

Summer is here! Making a cheeseburger board to host your friends and family this summer is not only very easy, but also super delicious.  Servings: 6 Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Ingredients: Sliced Cheddar Cheese Burger Buns, toasted or regular Ground Beef Patties Tomatoes, sliced Bib or Romaine […]

Conversation with Your BFF – “Do I Have to Be Friends with My Neighbors?”

These days, most of us don’t live in Mayberry; tapping on the neighbor’s door when you need a cup of sugar or a baseball comes over the fence and the kid next door comes, hat in hand, to apologize for the inconvenience, isn’t going to happen. With subdivisions popping up everywhere, when you are looking […]

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